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Re: [FreeSnell-discuss] problem graphing?

From: Aubrey Jaffer
Subject: Re: [FreeSnell-discuss] problem graphing?
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 22:57:20 -0400 (EDT)

 | Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 18:43:26 -0700
 | From: John Parker <address@hidden>
 | Hi, I just started using freesnell.  It seems like it will be
 | really useful for a bunch of AR and HR coating design and
 | verification work.  But I am having a tough time getting it to work
 | right and graph.  I started with the dielectric examples, I open
 | freesnell and from the antireflective example I type:
 | (require 'FreeSnell)
 | (define (anti)
 |   (define H 4.2)
 |   (define L 2.2)
 |   (plot-response
 |    (title "Growing an Antireflection Coating" "anti")
 |    (output-format 'png 600 256)
 |    (font 13)
 |    (wavelengths 7700e-9 12300e-9)
 |    (range 0 .02)
 |    (incident 0 'R)
 |    (optical-stack
 |     (substrate 1)
 |     (layer L   1076.97e-9)
 |     (layer H    629.03e-9)
 |     (layer L    457.49e-9)
 |     (layer H    131.55e-9)
 |     (layer L   1234.92e-9)
 |     (layer H   1142.59e-9)
 |     (layer L   2590.54e-9)
 |     (layer H     81.75e-9)
 |     (layer L   1827.50e-9)
 |     (layer H     84.60e-9)
 |     (layer L    563.34e-9)
 |     (layer H    285.97e-9)
 |     (layer L    157.14e-9)
 |     (substrate 4.0)
 |     )))
 | What I get back is:
 | #<unspecified>
 | And nothing more happens, no plot or anything.  I looked all over
 | google for more literature on it, but all I found was this forum.

You have defined the "anti" function, but not run it.  In order to run
it, add this line after the definition:


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