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[FR-announce] ANN: FreeRIDE 0.5.0 Final Release

From: Curt Hibbs
Subject: [FR-announce] ANN: FreeRIDE 0.5.0 Final Release
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 23:46:00 -0700

The final release of FreeRIDE version 0.5.0 is available for download! For
details, go to:

=== FreeRIDE Overview ===

FreeRIDE aims to be a full-featured, first-class IDE on a par with those
available for other languages, with all the best-of-breed features that you
would expect in a high-end IDE.

Some of FreeRIDE's features include:

* Multi-file editing
* Syntax highlighting
* Auto-indenting
* Source navigation by module, class, method, etc.
* Integrated debugging
* Written in Ruby for easy extension

Some planned features include:
* Full internationalization
* High-end refactoring support
* Remote pair programming

In its current state, FreeRIDE cannot yet be called a real IDE. What is does
have is a stable infrastructure with all the working plumbing needed for the
hordes of anxious Ruby developers that want to create plugins to extend the
functionality of FreeRIDE. The FreeRIDE team will be working on such
FreeRIDE plugins that we will individually release to incrementally improve
the FreeRIDE system. Periodically we will rollup these added plugins into
new releases of FreeRIDE.

Even if you have not officially joined the FreeRIDE team you can still
create plugins for you own use, share them with others, or send them to us
and we will make them available for download from our project wiki. We may
even ask for your permission to include them in the FreeRIDE core

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