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Explicit Instantiation Question

From: Dave Nystrom
Subject: Explicit Instantiation Question
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 14:08:04 -0600
User-agent: SEMI/1.13.7 (Awazu) CLIME/1.13.6 (中 ノ庄) MULE XEmacs/21.1 (patch 14) (Cuyahoga Valley) (i386-redhat-linux)

Here is another try at sending my email.  I am trying again to speed up our
compiles because it has been taking way too long on b18, the SGI machine we
are doing our classified development on.  John and I have made some good
progress on that by getting shared libraries working on b18 and explicitly
instantiating all the Pooma2 assign functions in a special library package
that only needs to be rebuilt when we change Pooma 2.

In the process of doing that, I have revisited the idea of trying to
explicitly instantiate the Pooma 2 View1 and AltView1 templates.  When
Jeffrey was looking at the original problem there with View1 which had a
circular dependency which was causing a point-of-instantiation problem, he
discovered that he could explicitly instantiate the View1 template with
fairly simple template arguments by first explicitly instantiating the Field
class with those same template arguments.  Then he figured out how to
explicitly instantiate the View1 class by adding the AltView1 class.
However, that does not help me because now I have 2000-3000 AltView1
templates that I need to instantiate.

So, I tried using Jeffreys original solution which I modified to use with the
AltView1 template - see the cpp macro INSTANTIATE_VIEW1_AND_FRIENDS below.
But, the simple file below fails to compile when using KCC 4.0f on
Red Hat 7.1 Linux.  So, I'm wondering if I am doing the right thing in my cpp
macro - KCC seems to think not.  Also, I'm wondering if I need to explicitly
instantiate the whole Field class or just 1 or 2 methods of the Field class.
I think that Jeffrey might be the best person to answer this question
although others who are intimately familiar with Pooma 2 might be able to

Bottom line is that I am trying to figure out some way to explicitly
instantiate the View1 and AltView1 templates without having to remove the
circular dependency which is causing the point-of-instantiation problem.

Thanks for any help,

Dave Nystrom                    email: address@hidden
LANL X-3                        phone: 505-667-7913     fax: 505-665-3046

#include "Pooma/NewFields.h"

template class          Field<T1_CPP,T2_CPP,T3_CPP>; \
template       AltView1<Field<T1_CPP,T2_CPP,T3_CPP>,Interval<1> >::sv; \
template       AltView1<Field<T1_CPP,T2_CPP,T3_CPP>,Interval<2> >::sv; \
template       AltView1<Field<T1_CPP,T2_CPP,T3_CPP>,Interval<3> >::sv;

#define T1 UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, Cartesian<(int)2> >
#define T2 Vector<(int)2, double, Full>
#define T3 ExpressionTag<BinaryNode<OpAdd, BinaryNode<OpSubtract, 
BinaryNode<OpMultiply, Scalar<double>, BinaryNode<OpSubtract, BinaryNode<OpAdd, 
Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, Cartesian<(int)2> >, 
Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> >, 
Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, Cartesian<(int)2> >, 
Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> > >, 
BinaryNode<OpMultiply, Scalar<int>, Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, 
double, Cartesian<(int)2> >, Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, 
CompressibleBrickView> > > > >, BinaryNode<OpMultiply, BinaryNode<OpMultiply, 
Scalar<double>, Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, 
Cartesian<(int)2> >, Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> > >, 
BinaryNode<OpSubtract, Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, 
Cartesian<(int)2> >, Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> >, 
Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, Cartesian<(int)2> >, !
Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> > > > >, 
Reference<Field<UniformRectilinear<(int)2, double, Cartesian<(int)2> >, 
Vector<(int)2, double, Full>, CompressibleBrickView> > > >
#undef T1
#undef T2
#undef T3

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