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[Fmsystem-commits] [17436] added autofocus on search result with animati

From: roger . kolseth
Subject: [Fmsystem-commits] [17436] added autofocus on search result with animation (1 sek)
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:21:08 -0500 (EST)

Revision: 17436

Author:   rogkol
Date:     2017-12-13 07:21:08 -0500 (Wed, 13 Dec 2017)
Log Message:
added autofocus on search result with animation (1 sek)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/application.js
--- trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/application.js    2017-12-12 20:27:01 UTC 
(rev 17435)
+++ trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/application.js    2017-12-13 12:21:08 UTC 
(rev 17436)
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
-               createTable(container, url, colDefs, 'results');
+               createTable(container, url, colDefs, 'results', 'table 
table-hover table-borderless');
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
-               createTable(container, url, colDefs);
+               createTable(container, url, colDefs, '', 'table table-hover 

Added: trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/search.js
--- trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/search.js                         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/bookingfrontend/js/aalesund/search.js 2017-12-13 12:21:08 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+var filter_tree = null;
+var building_id_selection = "";
+var search_types = [];
+var search_type_string = "";
+var part_of_town_string = "";
+var part_of_towns = [];
+var top_level_string = "";
+var top_levels = [];
+var selected_building_id = null;
+var selected_criteria = [];
+$(document).ready(function ()
+       $("#loading").dialog({
+               hide: 'slide',
+//     show: 'slide',
+               autoOpen: false
+       });
+       $(window).scroll(function () {
+        if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
+            $('.scrollup').fadeIn();
+        } else {
+            $('.scrollup').fadeOut();
+        }
+    });
+    $('.scrollup').click(function () {
+        $("html, body").animate({
+            scrollTop: 0
+        }, 600);
+        return false;
+    });
+       update_autocompleteHelper = function ()
+       {
+               oArgs = {
+                       menuaction: 'bookingfrontend.uibuilding.index',
+                       filter_part_of_town_id: part_of_town_string
+               };
+               var requestUrl = phpGWLink('bookingfrontend/', oArgs, true);
+               JqueryPortico.autocompleteHelper(requestUrl, 
'field_building_name', 'field_building_id', 'building_container');
+       }
+       $("#submit_searchterm").on('click', function ()
+       {
+               update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+       });
+       $('#field_searchterm').keydown(function (event)
+       {
+               var keypressed = event.keyCode || event.which;
+               if (keypressed == 13)
+               {
+                       update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+               }
+       });
+       $("#search_type :checkbox").on('click', function ()
+       {
+               update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+       });
+       $("#top_level :checkbox").on('click', function ()
+       {
+               update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+       });
+       $("#part_of_town :checkbox").on('click', function ()
+       {
+               selected_building_id = null;
+               update_search(selected_criteria);
+       });
+       //initate autocomplete;
+       update_autocompleteHelper();
+// Filter tree
+       $("#treeDiv1").jstree({
+               core: {
+                       multiple: true,
+                       data: filter_tree,
+                       check_callback: true,
+                       themes: {"stripes": true}
+               },
+               checkbox: {whole_node: true, three_state: false, cascade: 
+               plugins: ["themes", "checkbox"]
+       });
+       $("#treeDiv1").bind("deselect_node.jstree", function (event, data)
+       {
+               if (typeof (data.event) == 'undefined')
+               {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               update_activity_top_level(data, true);
+               update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+       });
+       $("#treeDiv1").bind("select_node.jstree", function (event, data)
+       {
+               if (typeof (data.event) == 'undefined')
+               {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               update_activity_top_level(data, false);
+               update_search(selected_criteria, true);
+       });
+       update_activity_top_level = function (data, deselect)
+       {
+               var parents = data.node.parents;
+               var level = parents.length;
+//             var activity_top_level = 0;
+               if (!deselect)
+               {
+                       //Top node
+                       if (level < 2)
+                       {
+                               activity_location = 
+                               $("#" + activity_location).prop("checked", 
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               //Find top node
+                               var top_node_id = parents[(level - 2)];
+                               var treeInst = $('#treeDiv1').jstree(true);
+                               top_node = treeInst.get_node(top_node_id)
+                               activity_location = 
+                               $("#" + activity_location).prop("checked", 
+                       }
+               }
+//             else
+//             {
+//                     if (level < 2)
+//                     {
+//                             activity_location = 
+//                             $("#" + activity_location).prop( "checked", 
false );
+//                     }
+//             }
+               //      var href = data.node.a_attr.href;
+               //      if (href == "#")
+               {
+                       selected_criteria = 
$("#treeDiv1").jstree('get_selected', true);
+               }
+       }
+       update_search = function (selected_criteria, keep_building)
+       {
+               var criteria = [];
+               var keep_building_for_now = keep_building || false;
+               for (var i = 0; i < selected_criteria.length; ++i)
+               {
+                       criteria.push(selected_criteria[i].original);
+               }
+//             console.log(criteria);
+               if (!keep_building_for_now)
+               {
+                       $('#field_building_id').val('');
+                       $("#field_building_name").val('');
+               }
+               search_types = [];
+               $("#search_type :checkbox:checked").each(function ()
+               {
+                       search_types.push($(this).val());
+               });
+               search_type_string = search_types.join(',');
+               part_of_towns = [];
+               $("#part_of_town :checkbox:checked").each(function ()
+               {
+                       part_of_towns.push($(this).val());
+               });
+               part_of_town_string = part_of_towns.join(',');
+               top_levels = [];
+//             $("#top_level :checkbox:checked").each(function () {
+//                     top_levels.push($(this).val());
+//             });
+               $("#top_level :checkbox").each(function ()
+               {
+                       if ($(this).prop("checked") == true)
+                       {
+                               top_levels.push($(this).val());
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+//                             Not working
+//                             $("#treeDiv1").jstree("uncheck_node", "j1_" + 
+                       }
+               });
+               top_level_string = top_levels.join(',');
+               update_autocompleteHelper();
+//             var activity_top_level = $('#activity_top_level').val();
+               var oArgs = {
+                       menuaction: 'bookingfrontend.uisearch.query',
+//                     activity_top_level: activity_top_level,
+                       building_id: selected_building_id,
+                       filter_search_type: search_type_string,
+                       filter_part_of_town: part_of_town_string,
+                       filter_top_level: top_level_string,
+               };
+               var requestUrl = phpGWLink('bookingfrontend/', oArgs);
+               requestUrl += '&phpgw_return_as=stripped_html';
+               $.ajax({
+                       type: 'POST',
+                       data: {criteria: criteria, searchterm: 
+                       url: requestUrl,
+                       beforeSend: function ()
+                       {
+                               $("#loading").dialog('open');
+                       },
+                       success: function (data)
+                       {
+                               if (data !== null)
+                               {
+                                       $("#loading").dialog('close');
+//                         $('#loading').html("<p>Result Complete...</p>");
+                                       $(".no_result").hide();
+                                       $("#result").html(data);
+                                        $('html, body').animate({
+                                            scrollTop: 
+                                        }, 1000);
+                               } 
+                       }
+               });
+       }
+       $('#collapse1').on('click', function ()
+       {
+               $(this).attr('href', 'javascript:;');
+               $('#treeDiv1').jstree('close_all');
+       })
+       $('#expand1').on('click', function ()
+       {
+               $(this).attr('href', 'javascript:;');
+               $('#treeDiv1').jstree('open_all');
+       });
+       $('#reset').on('click', function ()
+       {
+               $(this).attr('href', 'javascript:;');
+               selected_building_id = null;
+               update_search(selected_criteria);
+       });
+$(window).on('load', function()
+       $("#field_building_name").on("autocompleteselect", function (event, ui)
+       {
+               var building_id = ui.item.value;
+               if (building_id != building_id_selection)
+               {
+                       selected_building_id = building_id;
+                       update_search(selected_criteria);
+               }
+       });

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