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Re: [fluid-dev] Recent discussions on sysex commands and the MIDI Tuning

From: R.L. Horn
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Recent discussions on sysex commands and the MIDI Tuning Standard
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:29:28 +0000
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

On July 10, 2016 12:33:47 PM CDT, David Bellows <address@hidden> wrote:

>Cool! I've attached a MIDI file generated by the Lua library at:
>It is random piano notes using Pythagorean tuning. It plays just fine
>in timidity but I can't get it to play in fluidsynth. 

Fluidsynth's tuning strategy is, arguably, a little less robust than some: it 
only tweaks the sample assigned to a given note; it doesn't reassign samples, 
regardless of the extent of the retuning.

I haven't looked at the file you attached (I'm stuck using my phone for 
everything at the moment), but my recollection is that those made use of really 
low notes (with no samples in the first place) retuned by octaves.

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