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Re: [Fle3-dev] Create new knowledge type set: Software Lifecycle

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-dev] Create new knowledge type set: Software Lifecycle
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:26:41 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

I would appreciate any feedback, good or bad, in the form or
correctios or suggestions. My Computer Programming / Software Systems
groups are starting to use this Knowledge Type Set and I expect
refinements will be made as a result of our learning experiences.

Would you have wanted to have more than 10 types in the set? 10 is the
current upper limit, but it could be extended, if it seems there's
need for that.

I'm also planning the following:
1. Knowledge Type Set: Incremental Model
2. Translation of the FLE3 interface into Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic)

Both are very welcome, I'm sure!

Once I get the hand of Zope-Python products development, I'd also like
to investigate the possibility of creating Concept Mapping tools for
use in FLE3.

During the ITCOLE project the University of Murcia in Spain made a
Java applet+server that included a chat and a shared whiteboard. I've
made some preliminary testing with the Touchgraph java applet for
organizing notes in knowledge building. These two projects may contain
some stuff that you could use in yours. But in any case, please stay
in touch with me so we can collaborate on this.

By the way, one thing I noticed about duplicating and exiting the
Knowledge Type Set. I changed the name/abbreviation of one of the note
types from "Test Cases/Testing" to "Verification/Verify". However, in
the list of follow-up types the original abbreviation was still being
displayed. I had to edit the fledom.xml file and change the ID-REF
from "Testing" to "Verify" in each case. Is this a bug (all be it a
minor one)?

Sorry, I can't replicate this. Changing the name or the abbreviation
does show up in all editing forms. Please try again and if you still
experience problems, submit a bug report at 

Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

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