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Re: 'fabric1' and 'fabric2' packages

From: za3k
Subject: Re: 'fabric1' and 'fabric2' packages
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 17:16:01 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.9

On 2020-05-29 06:14, Jeff Forcier wrote:
This class of issue is a longstanding rare-but-never-vanquished frustration with Paramiko. I'd definitely make sure the Paramiko version is a recent (re: list of releases; I have not put any out in the last N months...) release.

Well, I was able to reproduce my hang with pure ssh after a bit of work, so it looks like my package is probably working after all, and I just have unrelated issues. I'll debug on my own time. I did try that before and it didn't hang, but it looks like I got freakishly (un)lucky. I could reproduce on every fabric and paramiko version, so I started trying ssh again :).

I put together AUR packages in Arch Linux.
- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fabric1/
- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-paramiko/
The AUR is open to contributions from randos like me, but doesn't have maintainer support, and you can't directly use the package manager to download and install things. I'd say 20% of my installed packages are from the AUR, this is pretty normal on Arch. Once a package is popular enough, it will get "promoted" to the main community repo. That should either never happen since there's not many fabric1 users, or happen after python3 migration.

To avoid also making python2-pytest-relaxed and python2-invoke, python2-paramiko doesn't run a test suite. Unfortunate but made my life easier.

That's basically it for now, ping me if/when 1.x is working on Python 3? Once that's working (as long as it's in the next couple months) I'll:
- Update fabric1 in the AUR
- Delete python2-paramiko from the AUR, since nothing else is using it.
- Talk to the Arch Linux 'fabric' maintainer about renaming fabric -> fabric2 - Submit a fabric1 package to Debian and talk to them about renaming fabric -> fabric2

P.S. I looked at my fabfile thoroughly over the last few weeks. I have a (short!) list of things blocking me from upgrading, if you would be interested in specifics.

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