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[Fab-user] Looking for speakers for our SF Bay Area LSPE July Meetup - t

From: Seema Chetty
Subject: [Fab-user] Looking for speakers for our SF Bay Area LSPE July Meetup - topic "Command and Control/ Parallel Command Mechanism"
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 12:30:09 -0700

Dear Fab community,


My name is Seema and I am part of the team responsible for organizing the speakers for the San Francisco Bay Area Large-Scale Production Engineering Meetup (www.meetup.com/SF-Bay-Area-Large-Scale-Production-Engineering/). Please feel free to take a look at the "PAST" tab to see the kinds of events we've had).

For our July event, on Thursday July 19th (
http://www.meetup.com/SF-Bay-Area-Large-Scale-Production-Engineering/events/62756562/), we are putting together an evening of talks about “Command and Control/ Parallel Command Mechanism”, and we are looking for speakers. We usually try to arrange two to four 20-25
minute talks around a single topic or theme -- this time it would be about the kinds of developer tools used as
"parallel ssh" systems, or may be known as "orchestration systems". As this is a relevant forum for our Meetup group, we wanted to reach out to the Fab community to see if there are any members (users or committers) interested in sharing their knowledge with our group.


You could share your experience on how you use a parallel command system? Which one, and why? What do you use it for? How does the system deal with failures of single nodes? Do you have to do anything to handle these? Do you use this tool in combination with other tools to manage your infrastructure, or do you build everything around this tool?

If interested, please contact us through our meetup.com page, or contact our chief organizer at cwestin(at yahoo.com).

If you know someone who might be interested in presenting then please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.





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