From: | chandra shekhar maurya |
Subject: | Re: Espressomd-users Digest, Vol 134, Issue 4 |
Date: | Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:05:16 +0530 |
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Today's Topics:
1. Regarding mixing of magnetic and non-magnetic particles
(chandra shekhar maurya)
2. Re: Regarding mixing of magnetic and non-magnetic particles
(Jean-Noël Grad)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:51:52 +0530
From: chandra shekhar maurya <chandra15294@gmail.com>
To: espressomd-users@nongnu.org
Cc: espressomd-users-owner@nongnu.org,
Subject: Regarding mixing of magnetic and non-magnetic particles
<CALf1gEwXaFTD3bMpyi6D_DyFtCeqJjZ3oDFNuGZKStQ3jH8x7A@mail.gmail.com" target="_blank">CALf1gEwXaFTD3bMpyi6D_DyFtCeqJjZ3oDFNuGZKStQ3jH8x7A@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Dear users,
I am trying to develop a model of a mixture of magnetic particles and
non-magnetic particles using a magnetic tutorial. But when I am giving
dip=[0,0,0] to the non-magnetic particles. there are no magnetic
interactions among the magnetic particles. So how can I develop a model for
magnetic and non-magnetic particles?
*Thanks & Regards*
Chandra Shekhar Maurya
Mechanical Eng. Dept.
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Contact No:9793572837
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:22:07 +0100
From: Jean-Noël Grad <jgrad@icp.uni-stuttgart.de>
To: espressomd-users@nongnu.org
Subject: Re: Regarding mixing of magnetic and non-magnetic particles
Message-ID: <94a4f5f0d4653f04cb50d15e53876bb9@icp.uni-stuttgart.de" target="_blank">94a4f5f0d4653f04cb50d15e53876bb9@icp.uni-stuttgart.de>
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Dear Chandra,
Mixtures of magnetic and non-magnetic particles are well supported. See
the attached minimal working example based on DipolarP3M for ESPResSo
4.1.4, where half of the particles have no net magnetic dipole and don't
experience any magnetic forces, while the other half do.
Maybe there is a typo somewhere in your python script?
On 2022-03-23 15:21, chandra shekhar maurya wrote:
> Dear users,
> I am trying to develop a model of a mixture of magnetic particles and
> non-magnetic particles using a magnetic tutorial. But when I am giving
> dip=[0,0,0] to the non-magnetic particles. there are no magnetic
> interactions among the magnetic particles. So how can I develop a
> model for magnetic and non-magnetic particles?
> Thanks & Regards
> Chandra Shekhar Maurya
> Mechanical Eng. Dept.
> Indian Institute of Technology Patna
> Contact No:9793572837
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