Hi again,
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the error message "number of cells 1 is
smaller than minimum 8" is typically emitted on 1 MPI rank when the
system contains a bond whose cutoff is larger than half the max
interaction range calculated with the formula in my last email (or
larger that one quarter if a dihedral is present).
On 2022-03-01 01:03, Jean-Noël Grad wrote:
> Dear Ahmad Reza,
> The minimum box size can be calculated with the following formula:
> ```python
> max_interaction_cutoff = min(system.box_l /
> system.cell_system.node_grid) - system.cell_system.skin *
> (system.cell_system.get_state()['n_nodes'] > 1)
> ```
> If your polymer has dihedrals, divide this value by 2. Run the
> attached MWE with 1 or 2 MPI ranks to see the effect of the LJ cutoff
> and skin.
> Best,
> JN
> On 2022-02-28 16:15, Ahmad Reza Motezakker wrote:
>> Dear EspressoMD users,
>> I have a system including 2 polymer chains. In the warm up stage, I
>> face below error:
>> Encountered errors during integrate: ERROR: number of cells 1 is
>> smaller than minimum 8 (interaction range too large or min_num_cells
>> too large)
>> The polymers are made of 15 beads (sigma = 1). cut off radius is
>> 2**(1/6). I have played with box size and skin and cut off to see what
>> is happening but it only works with box size of 57. Could you please
>> help me with that? I want to decrease the box size to the smallest
>> possible size.
>> Thank you very much,
>> Ahmad Reza