Dear All,
I have a system of a polymer chain, LB fluid and wall constraints (a small chain of polymer, Two wall for fluid boundary and at the same place two wall constraints for setting up the wall-particle interaction). I make the system in the order of creating the
polymer chain, fluid and its LB boundaries (Wall), and constraints. I do not face any error during polymer warming up, equilibration, and fluid-polymer warming up. I define the polymer far from the constraints and add lennard-jones repulsion between the polymer
and constraints to avoid any constraint violation. I define the LB boundaries and constraints as follows:
-----------------------------------------------------"Setup LB boundaries.")
top_wall = espressomd.lbboundaries.LBBoundary(shape=espressomd.shapes.Wall(normal=[0, 0, -1], dist=0))
bottom_wall = espressomd.lbboundaries.LBBoundary(shape=espressomd.shapes.Wall(normal=[0, 0, 1], dist=50))
#for constraints only
TopWall = Wall(dist=0, normal = (0,0,-1))
BottomWall = Wall(dist = 50, normal=(0,0,1))
system.constraints.add(shape = TopWall, particle_type = 10, penetrable=False)
system.constraints.add(shape = BottomWall, particle_type = 10, penetrable=False)
But when I run the integration, in the very very first step (while the polymer is the middle of the box and far from the walls) I face the error : Constraint violated by particle.
Could you please give me some hints on that? I really appreciate your help.
Best Regards,
Ahmad Reza