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Subject: Re: Errors while installing ESPResSO
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 11:26:44 +0200
From: Angelos Mourkas <address@hidden>
To: Jean-Noël Grad <address@hidden>
Hello again,
I did as you asked, and it detects NVIDIA graphics card and CUDA drivers
without a problem. But when i run "make check" i have multiple errors
and some tests that were unable to complete. I guess the MPI service
could not be started. Also, if i try to import again espressomd now
gives me errors. I have the errors attached.
Best Regards
Angelos Mourkas
On 14/1/20 1:08 μ.μ., Jean-Noël Grad wrote:
According to the CMake output, the HIP compiler was selected to
compile espresso for your AMD chipset. If this is indeed what you
intended, instructions to install the ROCm SDK can be found at the end
of section 2.1.1. Installing requirements on Ubuntu Linux:
If however you intended to compile espresso for the NVIDIA graphics
card, you'll need to modify the espresso CMakeLists.txt file. CMake
will not detect the main GPU, instead it will try all available GPU
compilers on your system and select the first one that works, in your
case the HIP compiler. To avoid that, please try this: in
/home/agelosmo/Desktop/Simulations/espresso/CMakeLists.txt at line
181, replace "if(HIP_FOUND)" by "if(0)" to skip the HIP compiler.
CMake will then try to find NVIDIA CUDA 9.0. If CMake then says it
couldn't find a GPU compiler, it means that your installation of
NVIDIA CUDA is not properly detected by CMake.
Best regards,
On 1/14/20 8:44 AM, Angelos Mourkas wrote:
Greetings Jean-Noël,
Thank you for the quick respond to my problem. Attached you can find
two txt files with the cmake output and the make compilation error.
Also i have attached the features error.
At the moment, i am using my nvidia card as the main graphics card.
The log files are from 4.1 version of ESPResSO, but i had the same
problem with 4.1.2 version.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards
Angelos Mourkas
On 13/1/20 7:16 μ.μ., Jean-Noël Grad wrote:
Compilation errors will interrupt the generation of the Python
bindings. You might still be able to import espressomd, but won't be
able to import its submodules. Please also note the rocrand library
is specific to AMD graphic cards; espresso compiled for AMD will not
execute on an NVIDIA card.
To help us diagnostic your issue, please attach a copy of the
compilation error to your email, as well as a copy of the CMake
output, which contains information about your compiler and
libraries, and the version of espresso you're compiling.
Best regards,
On 1/13/20 1:07 PM, Angelos Mourkas wrote:
My name is Angelos Mourkas, a new user of ESPResSO from Greece. I
am doing my PhD at the University of Ioannina, Department of
Material Science and Engineering.
I have a problem in getting the program to work. I use Ubuntu 18.04
LTS. I believe i have installed all the necessary packages for the
program to work. I have a Ryzen 3 2200g (integrated graphic card
vega 8) and a discrete graphic card (nvidia 1030gt). I have
downloaded and installed nvidia drivers (this is the card i use)
and also i have installed the cuda drivers through the commands
from the documentation.
Everything is fine until i run the "make" command, where it reports
an error concerning <rocrand/rocrand_kernel.h> and another one at
If I ignore the message and continue to the python enviroment, when
i enter the command "print(espressomd.features())" it returns the
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'espressomd' has no attribute 'features'
Can you please help me installing the program?
Best Regards
Angelos Mourkas