That’s an interesting bug. The blockfile commands don’t understand the {variable <var> <val>} syntax since 2006, as it was deprecated since about 2004. Nevertheless, the mbtools were updated 2014 to use this syntax (packages/mbtools/examples/scripts/main.tcl for example). To work, you need to replace the "blockfile write start…” code with a simple blockfile write variable {time box_l} etc.
Best, Axel
Hello again everyone.
In the past couple of days i’ve been trying to load post-warmup checkpoints for later use (with a different dt, for instance) I’ve noticed the first post warmup checkpoint is named simplebilayer0000.gz. Changing it’s name to checkpoint.latest.gz and placing it in the sim folder along with simplebilayer.top (which espresso also requires) yields the following error:
::mbtools::utils > reading Checkpoint ./simplebilayer//checkpoint.latest.gz blockfile_read_auto_variable: setmd 0.0 reported: unknown md variable "0.0" while executing "error "blockfile_read_auto_variable: setmd $vname $data reported: $error"" (procedure "blockfile" line 22) invoked from within "blockfile $in read auto" (procedure "::mbtools::utils::readcheckpoint" line 11) invoked from within "::mbtools::utils::readcheckpoint $outputdir " invoked from within "set checkpointexists [ ::mbtools::utils::readcheckpoint $outputdir ]" (file "./scripts/main.tcl" line 103)
While the automatically-generated checkpoint file starts with: {variable time 0.0 }
Any idea as to what might cause this? I’m going nowhere fast unless saving is saved ;)
Thanks in advance and have a great weekend, Evy.
-------------------------------------------- Axel Arnold Richard-Wagner-Ring 16 76437 Rastatt, Germany Email: address@hiddenPhone: +49 173 870 6659