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[ESPResSo-users] WG: poiseuille flow with linear part at first and last

From: Holst, Lena
Subject: [ESPResSo-users] WG: poiseuille flow with linear part at first and last grid
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 12:00:15 +0000




I have run the script poiseuille.tcl from the espresso samples. The result is a flow which looks like a poiseuille flow, but with a linear part in the first and last grid along the x, y and z axis.

I have put an picture in the appendix, which shows the poiseuille flow with different conditions than in the script poiseuille.tcl. There are agrid and tau 1 and delta_x=0,25 and delta_t=0,05. Is there any way to get a full parabolic poiseuille flow without the linear parts?


Kind regards and thanks for help,


Lena Holst

Attachment: Flow3.png
Description: Flow3.png

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