Hello Everybody,
I have a NVT system including:
1. 36 polyelectrolyte of contour length 100:
polymer 1 $l_poly 1.0 start $first pos $x $y $z mode PSAW charge -1.0 distance 1 types $type 0 FENE 0 constraints 2
2.3600 couterions
3.2 milimolar salt
4.A cylinder constraint
My potentials are:
1.FENE bond with k=5.833 and R_MAX=2.0
2.Coulomb with bjerrum length=3.0
But I face the error:bond broken between particles. I can't change none of the parameters listed above. I also tried to decrease the time-step or increase the skin distance, but the error still occurs. I really don't know how to solve it.
I appreciate if someone helps me.