Hey everyone,
Thanks again for a great week at the ICP!
I have a question about the paraview representation of the lbnode boundaries in vtk format.
My example script (attached) creates one row of particles with fixed position that could represent a rough surface. The easiest way to make LB boundaries with a similar surface would be to include an lbboundary sphere command in the loop with a the same radius and position as the effective particle.
When I use ParaView to have a look at the boundaries:
Glyph mode: box
scale mode: scalar
turn off mask points
turn off random mode
I notice they are represented as different colors and sizes. A 1-D scan shown in boundtest_s1.scan1 reveals different values for the boundaries and I have a hunch this is why. Changing the color is easy but I can't seem to get them the same size. Any way to fix this?