From: | Udit Dewan |
Subject: | Re: [ESPResSo-users] <analyze aggregation> command |
Date: | Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:50:17 +0530 |
FlorianBest,at section 8.2 of the espresso user guide to learn how to create molecules.At the moment you have do define molecules to use the command, even if those molecules only contain single particles. Please have a lookHello,analyze aggregation takes molecule ids as parameters, not particle ids. These are different, you can group multiple particles into one molecule.
--On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Udit Dewan <address@hidden> wrote:
The id no.s of the particles I want to observe are 0-19 as can be seen from the code below:Dear all,I am a beginner at using MD simulation and have recently started using the ESPResSo software. While simulating a system I tried to use the <analyze aggregation> command. However, it gave me the following message:
check your start and finish molecule id's
while executing
"analyze aggregation 1.5 0 19"
("for" body line 6)
invoked from within
set solute 20
set solvent 500
set density 0.01
set volume [expr ($solute+$solvent)/$density]
set box_length [expr pow($volume, 1.0/3.0)]
puts "Simulation box length is $box_length"
set total_particles [expr $solute+$solvent]
set temp 2.54
set t_step 0.0001
set gamma 0.2
set r_cut 1.5
setmd box_l $box_length $box_length $box_length
setmd time_step $t_step
setmd skin 0.4
thermostat langevin $temp $gamma
set id 0
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $solute} {incr cnt} {
set px [expr rand()*$box_length]
set py [expr rand()*$box_length]
set pz [expr rand()*$box_length]
part $id pos $px $py $pz type 0 v 0 0 0
incr id
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $solvent} {incr cnt} {
set px [expr rand()*$box_length]
set py [expr rand()*$box_length]
set pz [expr rand()*$box_length]
part $id pos $px $py $pz type 1 v 0 0 0
incr id
set sigma 1.0
set epsilon 1.0
set cut [expr 1.22426*$sigma]
set shift [expr 0.25*$epsilon]
inter 0 0 lennard-jones $epsilon $sigma $cut $shift 0
inter 1 0 lennard-jones $epsilon $sigma $cut $shift 0
inter 1 1 lennard-jones $epsilon $sigma $cut $shift 0
set inter_steps 1000
for {set cap 1} {$cap<200} {incr cap 4} {
set temp [expr [analyze energy kinetic]/(1.5*[setmd n_part])]
puts "t=[setmd time] E=[analyze energy total] T=$temp"
inter forcecap $cap
integrate $inter_steps
inter forcecap 0
set g [open "analysis2.dat" "w"]
for {set i 0} {$i<1000} {incr i} {
integrate 300
set temp [expr [analyze energy kinetic]/(1.5*[setmd n_part ])]
puts "$i"
puts $g "Step $i"
puts $g "[analyze aggregation 1.5 0 19]"
puts $g " structure factor : [analyze structurefactor 0 2]"
puts $g " rdf : [analyze rdf 1 0]"
puts $g " Energy : [analyze energy kinetic] Pressure : [analyze pressure total] Total Energy : [analyze energy total] Temperature : $temp"
close $gWithout the analyze aggregation command everything else runs fine. How can I get this command to run?
RegardsUdit Dewan
Florian Weik
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