Dear all,
As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, when I plot the .vtk output of my simple code, the streamlines aren't reasonable and they are independent frames just come after each other. One of the answers to my question was that maybe the parameters in my code produce large fluctuations.
So I decided to run the sample code "tutorial5-1.tcl", which I am sure of its parameters, to see if my procedure in paraview will produce a good streamline movie or not? But I still couldn't use it properly and from one frame to the next one there is a big jump in streamlines!
Can anyone provide me with a good streamline animation from this sample code, I've attached the code in the following, I've only added this
set out "field_$i.vtk"
lbfluid print vtk velocity $out
in 3# place to make .vtk files.
Thanks in advance,
# Diffusion of a single particle with hydrodynamic interactions (Lattice-Boltzmann)
## set up the box
setmd box_l 16. 16. 16.
## the skin is not important for a single particles
setmd skin 0.2
## the MD step in this simulation could be bigger, but
## we keep it consistent with typical LJ simulations
setmd time_step 0.01
## LB can not handle Verlet lists, so we disable them
cellsystem domain_decomposition -no_verlet_list
## open files for output
set posfile [ open "pos.dat" "w" ]
set vfile [ open "vel.dat" "w" ]
set enfile [ open "energy.dat" "w"]
## this creates the LB fluid with the parameters
## of our choice.
lbfluid grid 1. dens 1. visc 1. tau 0.1 friction 50.
## this activates the thermalization of the
## LB fluid and adds the random forces on the
## particle
thermostat lb 1.
## create a particle
part 0 pos 0 0 0
set out "field_0.vtk"
lbfluid print vtk velocity $out
## perform a couple of steps to come to equilbrium
puts "Warming up the system."
integrate 1000
puts "Done."
set out "field_1.vtk"
lbfluid print vtk velocity $out
## Now the production run!
for { set i 2 } { $i < 1000 } { incr i } {
if { $i % 100 == 99 } {
## tell the user we are still working
puts "cycle $i completed"
integrate 10
set out "field_$i.vtk"
lbfluid print vtk velocity $out
puts $posfile "[ setmd time ] [ part 0 print pos ]"
puts $vfile "[ setmd time ] [ part 0 print v ]"
puts $enfile "[ setmd time ] [ analyze energy kinetic ]"
## and close output files
close $posfile
close $vfile
close $enfile