> If I try to run a single job with say 8 processors, thus ESPResSo
> runs in parallel in one single node!
How do you try to run it with 8 processors? The only way to run it in
parallel is to use mpirun or mpiexec.
I solved the problem. There was a mistake in the command.
In my "run.sh" file I was using: /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 4 ./Espresso Mixt_Colloids.tcl
and launched the job with: qsub run.sh
But the proper way to run in parallel is using the "run.sh" with
/opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun ./Espresso Mixt_Colloids.tcl
and to launch the job: qsub -pe orte 4 run.sh
Thanks a lot!