I am trying to simulate a system using DPD thermostat.
In the user guide i found the following sentence: "... before using dpd, you have to stop the center of mass motion of your system, which
you can achieveby using the command galileiTransformParticles. This may be repeated once in a while for long runs due to round off errors (check this with the command system_com_vel) "
I did no find more information about these two commands.
I would appreciate any help of how to apply both commands inside an ESPResSo simulation. What is the syntaxis?
By the way, using the 2.1.5 version of ESPResSo I observed some unexpected behavior for a single dumbbell system using DPD thermostat. The dumbbell seems to translates and rotates only in one direction. When I use the Langevin thermostat it seems to perform both translation and rotation random/brownian movement. I using the same system with both thermostats. Any comment will be greatly appreciated.
Thans a lot,
Salvador H-V
-- =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o
Dr. Salvador Herrera Velarde Division de Ciencias e Ingenierias Campus Leon Universidad de Guanajuato
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