Dear all,
We want run ESPResSo in parallel using MPICH. We install ESPResSo in a master node and 3 execution nodes (8 processor/node) respectively with the same configuration. Attached is the config.log of our installation.
But when we run the command for parallel execution, we get the following error. Below I describe the error when we try 3 different execution command:
1. address@hidden:~> mpirun -stats cl1n001,cl1n003,cl1n004 24 /usr/local/espresso/Espresso_mpi /agung1/dna12b.tcl
MPI: cl1n001: 0x3944000049b980d0: 0: Script directory: /usr/local/espresso_mpi/share/espresso/scripts
MPI: could not run executable (case #4)
address@hidden:~> mpirun -stats cl1n001,cl1n003,cl1n004 24 /usr/local/espresso/Espresso_mpi /agung1/dna12b.tcl 24
MPI: cl1n001: 0x3944000049b980d3: 0: Script directory: /usr/local/espresso_mpi/share/espresso/scripts
MPI: could not run executable (case #4)
address@hidden:~> /usr/local/espresso/Espresso_mpi /agung1/dna12b.tcl
by the third command, ESPResSo execute the tcl script only in master node, not in the other 3 execution nodes as we hope.
Would anyone help us how to solve our problem? Is it might wrong in configuration or execution command?
Thank you,