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Re: [ESPResSo] Diffusion of a probe particle

From: Olaf Lenz
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo] Diffusion of a probe particle
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 20:56:06 +0200
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Axel Arnold wrote:
>> so that I get a very significant time overhead. The only solution to
>> this that I see would be to implement the measurement of the MSD in C so
>> that the simulation does not have to return to the Tcl level. This would
>> however neither be simple nor in the spirit of ESPResSo, so I would like
>> to avoid this.
> Well, why is not in the spirit of Espresso? 

It is not in the spirit of ESPResSo, as it would mean to add a
measurement to the main loop (i.e. into the integrate command). All
other measurements are explicit Tcl commands that are called outside
the integrate command. So far, Espresso doesn't have any definition of
an interface for this kind of thing.

If I wanted to implement it in C, I do see the problem to make it
flexible enough: Maybe, one doesn't want to trace the msd of all
particles, but just of a subset - or of several distinct subsets. Or
maybe one doesn't want to trace the msd in each step, but only of every
x'th step. In my case, I do not want to measure the total msd, but a
direction-dependend msd, etc. etc.
Usually, this kind of problems can be handled on the Tcl script level.
Here, it would be necessary to implement all this in C. Note, that I
have not at all touched the issue of parallelization so far...

> I mean, the MSD would be a nice feature. 

BTW, the MSD is computed as a by-product when computing the van-Hove
autocorrelation function. However, as this function is REALLY slow for
large datasets, I'm currently doing it in Tcl, anyway.

> Yes, they are. Currently, we build up the Verlet according to one interaction 
> range for all particles, i.e., the interaction range is dictated by the most 
> longranged interaction. That is not ideal; assuming you have two huge 
> colloids in your system, then the interaction range for all particles will be 
> twice the size of the two colloids. Even for particles that do not interact 
> at all, you actually get the largest necessary Verlet cutoff.

Indeed. That was one of the first things I noticed about ESPResSo, as I
was working on binary hard-sphere mixtures at that time...

> How many cells did you then have? Espresso loops over cells, and then over 
> the 
> particles in the cells. Assuming that you have an interaction range of 2, you 
> have in the worst case 500^3=125.000.000 cells, which would not even fit into 
> memory. In practice, that doesn't happen, since the number of cells is 
> limited by max_num_cells, but depending on what you put there, the 
> cell-looping can still take quite some time. On the other hand, a small 
> max_num_cells, which is the default, causes large cells, which also makes 
> things really slow.

Indeed. I have done some changes on the max_num_cells (between 100 and
10000), to no result. To my surprise, this didn't seem to influence the
computing time very much.

> Well, I wanted to calculate the MSD for completely free particles, there were 
> no interacting ones. So, I simply commented out the force calculation... Not 
> nice, but helps.

Ok, this would work for free particles. However, this is of course only
the first preparatory experiment of a number of further preparatory
experiments that include obstacles.

>> Using a large box length, I have also tried to disable the Verlet lists.
>> From my understanding, this should speed up the simulation, as no Verlet
>> list update would ever be required and the size of the default cell
>> lists should be small enough not to contain any neighboring particles.
>> However, this did not seem to be the case. Instead, the simulation was
>> significantly slower (factor 3 or so). Can anybody explain this to me?
> Hmm, that is again a question of max_num_cells, and how many cells you 
> actually had. From what you tell, I guess you have the default max_num_cells. 
> Can you try playing around with it, like setting it to 10000 or more?

As I said, I did that. But still: when I deactivate the Verlet lists,
this would mean that we do not need to do any Verlet list update.
Instead, we would only need to loop over the neighboring cells.
Well, this might indeed be the problem: there are 27 neighboring cells,
each of which is probably empty, but still has to be taken into account
in the loop. On the other hand, the Verlet list is most probably also
empty, but it is only a single list.

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