-- How many spirals? -- A level for Enigma -- -- Copyright (c) 2005 Nat Pryce -- Licensed under the GPL version 2. Require("levels/natmaze.lua") randomseed( enigma.GetTicks() ) send_message = SendMessage function send_message_to_group( group, message, arg ) for i,object in group do send_message( object, message, arg ) end end function group_message( group, message ) return function(arg) send_message_to_group( %group, %message, arg ) end end set_oxyd = oxyd function oxyd( x, y, tiles ) return set_oxyd( x, y ) end function nothing(x, y, tiles) -- create nothing end function horizontal_bolder(x,y,tiles) if random() >= 0.5 then return set_stone( "st-bolder-w", x, y ) else return set_stone( "st-bolder-e", x, y ) end end function vertical_bolder(x,y,tiles) if random() >= 0.5 then return set_stone( "st-bolder-n", x, y ) else return set_stone( "st-bolder-s", x, y ) end end function checkerboard_floor( type1, type2, attribs1, attribs2 ) return function( x, y, tiles ) if mod(x,2) == mod(y,2) then return set_floor( %type1, x, y, %attribs1 or {} ) else return set_floor( %type2, x, y, %attribs2 or {} ) end end end function floor( floor_type, attribs ) return function( x, y, tiles ) return set_floor( %floor_type, x, y, %attribs or {} ) end end function stone( stone_type, attribs ) return function( x, y, tiles ) return set_stone( %stone_type, x, y, %attribs or {} ) end end function item( item_type, attribs ) return function( x, y, tiles ) return set_item( %item_type, x, y, %attribs or {} ) end end function actor( actor_type, attribs ) return function( x, y, tiles ) return set_actor( %actor_type, x+0.5, y+0.5, %attribs or {} ) end end function gradient( gradient_type ) return function( x, y, tiles ) return set_floor( "fl-gradient", x, y, {type=%gradient_type} ) end end function inherit(tile_type) return function( x, y, tiles ) return create_tile( tiles, x, y, %tile_type ) end end function group( array, constructor ) return function( x, y, tiles ) object = %constructor( x, y, tiles ) tinsert( %array, object ) return object end end function difficulty( d, constructor ) if options.Difficulty == d then return constructor else return nothing end end function create_world_from_map( tiles, map ) create_world( strlen(map[1]), getn(map) ) for y,line in map do for x = 1,strlen(line) do local tile = strchar(strbyte(line,x)) create_tile( tiles, x-1, y-1, tile ) end end end function create_tile( tiles, x, y, tile_type ) local constructors = tiles[tile_type] if constructors then for i,constructor in constructors do constructor(x,y,tiles) end else error("invalid tile identifier " .. tile ) end end oxyd_default_flavor = "a" dark_floor = floor("fl-leavesb") light_floor = floor("fl-leaves") doors_a = {} doors_b = {} doors_c = {} doors_f = {} lasers = {} openclose_doors_a = group_message(doors_a, "openclose") openclose_doors_b = group_message(doors_b, "openclose") openclose_doors_c = group_message(doors_c, "openclose") open_doors_f = group_message(doors_f, "open") toggle_lasers = group_message(lasers, "onoff") tiles = {} tiles[" "] = {light_floor } tiles["/"] = {floor("fl-leavesc1")} tiles["("] = {floor("fl-leavesc2")} tiles["`"] = {floor("fl-leavesc3")} tiles[","] = {floor("fl-leavesc4")} tiles["."] = {dark_floor} tiles[";"] = {floor("fl-normal")} tiles["+"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-grate1")} tiles["#"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-rock2")} tiles["-"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-rock2_hole")} tiles["%"] = {light_floor, stone("st-rock3_hole")} tiles["="] = {light_floor, stone("st-rock3")} tiles["x"] = {light_floor, stone("st-rock3_break")} tiles["*"] = {light_floor, oxyd} tiles["e"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-laser", {on=TRUE,dir=EAST})} tiles["w"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-laser", {on=TRUE,dir=WEST})} tiles["n"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-laser", {on=TRUE,dir=NORTH})} tiles["s"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-laser", {on=TRUE,dir=SOUTH})} tiles["H"] = {light_floor, difficulty(HARD,horizontal_bolder)} tiles["V"] = {light_floor, difficulty(HARD,vertical_bolder)} tiles["h"] = {light_floor, horizontal_bolder} tiles["v"] = {light_floor, vertical_bolder} tiles["~"] = {floor("fl-water")} tiles["}"] = {floor("fl-water"), stone("st-grate1")} tiles["o"] = {light_floor, stone("st-wood")} tiles["@"] = {light_floor, item("it-wormhole", {targetx=28.5,targety=18.5,range=1})} tiles["u"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_N)} tiles["d"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_S)} tiles["l"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_W)} tiles["r"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_E)} tiles["U"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_N), actor("ac-killerball", {controllers=0})} tiles["D"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_S), actor("ac-killerball", {controllers=0})} tiles["L"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_W), actor("ac-killerball", {controllers=0})} tiles["R"] = {gradient(FLAT_FORCE_E), actor("ac-killerball", {controllers=0})} tiles["J"] = {floor("fl-wood")} tiles["A"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-coinslot",{action="callback",target="openclose_doors_a"})} tiles["a"] = {dark_floor, group(doors_a, stone("st-door_b"))} tiles["B"] = {light_floor, stone("st-switch",{action="callback",target="openclose_doors_b"})} tiles["b"] = {light_floor, group(doors_b, stone("st-door_b"))} tiles["C"] = {light_floor, stone("st-switch", {action="onoff", target="laser"})} tiles["c"] = {dark_floor, stone("st-laser", {name="laser", on=FALSE,dir=EAST})} tiles["F"] = {light_floor, item("it-trigger", {action="callback", target="open_doors_f"})} tiles["f"] = {light_floor, group(doors_f, stone("st-door_b"))} tiles["1"] = {inherit("%"), item("it-wormhole", {targetx=45.5, targety=31.5,range=1})} tiles["2"] = {inherit("%"), item("it-coin1")} tiles["3"] = {inherit("%"), item("it-wormhole", {targetx=29.5,targety=18.5,range=1})} tiles["4"] = {inherit("x"), item("it-spring2")} tiles["5"] = {floor("fl-gray"), item("it-seed")} tiles["6"] = {inherit("x"), item("it-coin1")} tiles["7"] = {inherit("%"), item("it-extinguisher")} tiles["maze_wall"] = { stone("st-grate1") } create_world_from_map( tiles, { "##########################################################", "#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;#..................-.....=~~~~~~~.....#", "#;==============%=;#./ `.#.....a..~...~./ `.#", 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H .+..... =f= ........#", "# #~ + +. h .+.....( ,........#", "# #~ +o o+.( H ,.+..................#", "#*#~ +++++++++++++++n................w+..................#", "####################++++++++++++++++++####################", "#~ -..................#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;#", "#~ }}}}}}}}}~#..................#;==============%=;#", "#~ }DddlllL}~#..................#;=%%%%%%%%%%%%=%=;#", "#}RrrrddD}dddllll}~#e................w#;=%==========%=%=;#", "#}rrrrddd}dddllll}~#..................#;=%=%%%%%%%3=%=%=;#", "#}rrrrddd}ddd5uuu}~#./ `.#;=%=%========%=%=;#", "#}uuuFddd}rrrruuu}~#. ============== .#;=%=%=2%%%%%%%=%=;#", "#}uuullll}rrrruuu}~#. b*==========*b .#;=%=%==========%=;#", "#}uuullll}RrrruuU}~#. ============== .#;=%=%%%%%%%%%%%%=;#", "#}UuulllL} ~~#.( ,.#;=%==============;#", "#}}}}}}}}} ~~-..................#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;#", "##########################################################" }) render_maze( new_kruskal_maze(7,5), function(maze,cellx,celly) local x = 6 + cellx*2 local y = 14 + celly*2 if not maze:can_go_east(cellx,celly) and maze:contains_cell(cellx+1,celly) then create_tile( tiles, x+1, y, "maze_wall" ) end if not maze:can_go_south(cellx,celly) and maze:contains_cell(cellx,celly+1) then create_tile( tiles, x, y+1, "maze_wall" ) end if maze:contains_cell(cellx+1,celly+1) then create_tile( tiles, x+1, y+1, "maze_wall" ) end end ) startx = level_width/2 starty = level_height/2 set_actor( "ac-blackball", startx, starty, {player=0} ) oxyd_shuffle()