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Re: [Enigma-devel] Status

From: Ingo van Lil
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Status
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 12:17:39 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

On 23 Aug 2004, Daniel Heck wrote:

> Some things may have to change, though.  CVS has become a major
> timekiller recently, which is probably our fault because Enigma has
> grown so large.  But commiting changes takes forever over my humble
> dialup conection, and that's time I would rather spend on the game
> itself.

Well, the obvious solution would be moving the data directory to a
repository of its own.

> I have not decided on an alternative yet; I'm currently leaning
> towards GNU arch.  An arch<->CVS gateway should be feasible although I
> did not investigate this possibility so far.

Have you considered using Subversion? There's a steady movement of free
projects from CVS to Subversion and it becomes more and more popular.
The interface is almost identical, but it has some major advantages. For
one thing there's a single revision number for all files in the
repository, so it doesn't have to go through every single file to see
which of them changed. Could solve your online time problem. And it has
a flawless CVS->Subversion converter which preserves the revision
history for all files. There's just one major drawback, as far as I see:
It does not yet have a fancy web repository browser which can show
different file versions and diffs between them.
Unfortunately my practical experience is very limited, but you could
try contacting the prboom team, they have already made the switch.


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