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Re: Collecting questions and notes for each talk; breakout sessions

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: Re: Collecting questions and notes for each talk; breakout sessions
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2020 23:30:44 -0500

Hello, Karl, all!

> The thing with after-talk-sessions that would worry me is that I
> most probably want to attend the follow-up talk while the
> breakout-session is ongoing. I'm not totally convinced myself about

True, it's hard to resist the fear of missing out while the party is going on in the next room, even if you know the party will be recorded and you can catch up on it later. =) If it turns out there are lots of questions, perhaps we can ask the speaker to consider posting follow-up information on the individual talk page on the wiki. Then they can record their answers at their leisure, since there's no reason to do it on the spot.

I've added some options to the Going Over Time section of https://emacsconf.org/2020/present/ .
In short:
- Speaker can stay in BBB and keep presenting. Not included in main stream, but will be included in recording.
- Speaker can switch to Jitsi for hallway track. May stay 5-10 minutes to see if anyone shows up. Jitsi room will be announced via stream, IRC, and Etherpad.
- Speaker can announce preferred follow-up method/time/place to check for updates, and we'll include it as well.


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