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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] switch from wiki to muse

From: Trent Buck
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] switch from wiki to muse
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 20:58:13 +1100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Flatman <address@hidden> writes:

> So I'd like to switch to muse ...

What follows is probably the simplest way to migrate from planner-ew to

    1. Download muse and planner-muse.

        tla register-archive --present-ok http://www.mwolson.org/archives/2005
        tla get -A address@hidden muse--main--1.0 muse
        tla get -A 'address@hidden planner-muse--mwolson--1.0 planner-muse

    2. Put the directories in e.g. ~/Elisp

    3. Add e.g. (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Elisp") to your .emacs.

    4. Remove the emacs-wiki and planner components from ~/Elisp or otherwise
       ensure they are loaded with a lower priority than muse and planner-muse.

    5. Reboot Emacs.

    6. Use M-x customize-group RET muse RET and M-x customize-group RET planner
       RET, or configure them in some other way.  Be sure to click the State
       button and choose "Set for future sessions".

Below is a minimal configuration to make planner-muse work.

    (when (and (locate-library "planner")
               (locate-library "muse"))
      (setq planner-project "WikiPlans")
      (setq planner-directory "~/Plans")
      (setq planner-default-page "TaskPool")
      ;; Tell muse about planner.  We use add-hook instead of
      ;; add-to-list because muse might not be loaded yet.
      (add-hook 'muse-project-alist
                (list planner-project
                      (list planner-directory
                            :default planner-default-page
                            :major-mode 'planner-mode
                            :visit-link 'planner-visit-link))))

PS: Could someone with a javascript-supporting browser
inject this into plannerlove?  It's not editable with w3m-el.
Trent Buck, Student Errant

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