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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Totally small-time dependency tracking

From: Jesse Alama
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Totally small-time dependency tracking
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 00:06:18 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (darwin)

An "aha!" moment has indeed been sparked somewhere :->

Can you check this into the developer branch of the planner?

By the way, I've been tracking `planner-merge' more or less since the
announcement in your "The Great Merge" message.  Is that the right
branch to follow?  Are you checking things in to that branch?  More
specifically: if you decide to commit the code you talk about below to
the planner, will you check it in to planner-merge?


Sacha Chua <address@hidden> writes:

> The only thing this code does is gray out stuff that can't be done
> yet. For really cool stuff, we should be doing fancy sorting and
> whatnot, but I don't feel up to doing a topological sort in Emacs Lisp
> at 2 in the morning. =)
> It's easy to change the syntax. For example, we can use 2->1,5 to mean
> that this is task 2 and it's dependent on tasks 1 and 5. That might be
> fun.
> Hope this sparks an aha! moment somewhere. =)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ;;; Task dependency tracking for Planner
> ;; #A X Do something {{Tasks:1}}
> ;; #B _ Do another thing {{Depends:1,5}} {{Tasks:2}}
> ;; #B _ Do yet another thing {{Depends:1}} {{Tasks:3}}
> ;; Task 3 depends on a completed task, so it will be okay. Task 2
> ;; still has an incomplete dependency, so it'll be grayed out after
> ;; (planner-depend-highlight-tasks).
> (defface planner-depend-invalid-face
>   '((t (:foreground "gray")))
>   "Face for tasks with incomplete dependencies."
>   :group 'planner-depend)
> (defun planner-depend-highlight-tasks ()
>   "Gray out all tasks with dependencies not satisfied on the current page."
>   (goto-char (point-min))
>   (let (found-ids)
>     ;; Find all the completed IDs
>     (while (re-search-forward "{{Tasks:\\(0-9+\\)}}" nil t)
>       (let* ((task-id (number-to-string (match-string 1)))
>              (info (planner-current-task-info)))
>         (when (string= "X" (planner-task-status info))
>           (setq found-ids (cons task-id found-ids)))))
>     ;; Highlight everything else
>     (goto-char (point-min))
>     (while (re-search-forward planner-task-regexp nil t)
>       (let ((info (planner-current-task-info))
>             dependencies
>             failed)
>         (when (string-match "{{Depends:\\([0-9,]+\\)}}" 
> (planner-task-description info))
>           (setq dependencies (split-string (match-string 1 
> (planner-task-description info)) ","))
>           (while dependencies
>             (if (memq (string-to-number (car dependencies)) found-ids)
>                 (setq dependencies (cdr dependencies))
>               (setq dependencies nil
>                     failed t)))
>           (when failed
>             (planner-highlight-region (planner-line-beginning-position)
>                                       (planner-line-end-position)
>                                       'dependency
>                                       100
>                                       '(face 
> planner-depend-invalid-face))))))))

Jesse Alama (address@hidden)

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