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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Blog comments are surprisingly easy to hack in =)

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Blog comments are surprisingly easy to hack in =)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 00:59:01 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hello, everyone!

One look at Planner's history will show you that I take an
extraordinarily long time to figure out things that should be common
sense. It took me months to figure out how annotations should work,
for example. <laugh>

Today's marvelous, life-changing discovery: comments!

I finally got around to adding a _real_ commenting system to my blog
after receiving so many helpful tips on everything from networking to
breathing, and after suffering a case of comment envy reading a
friend's blog.

It was amazingly simple. I originally went with Haloscan, but a little
bit of Googling turned up this great little system called Blogkomm
(http://www.blogkomm.com), which I like very much.

It's PHP, so it was really easy to drop into my config. It's
filebased, so I can set up my scripts to grab a copy of the comments
and read through them offline. It does e-mail notification. It lets
people subscribe, too. And you get a recent comments box for free!

I like it a lot. Here's my highly idiosyncratic config snippet: =)

(defun sacha/planner-note-id (info)
  "Return the note identifier for commenting systems.
Prefers date pages."
   "[#\\.]" "-"
   (if (string-match planner-date-regexp (planner-note-page info))
       (concat (planner-note-page info) "#" (planner-note-anchor info))
     (let (found
           (pages (planner-multi-split (planner-note-link-text info))))
       (while pages
         (when (string-match planner-date-regexp (planner-link-base (car 
          (setq found (planner-link-target (car pages))
                pages nil))
         (setq pages (cdr pages)))
       (or found
           (concat (planner-note-page info) "#" (planner-note-anchor info)))))))
;; I want notes preceded by a number so I know how to link to them.
(defun sacha/planner-markup-notes ()
  "Mark up notes neatly."
  (while (re-search-forward "^\\.#[0-9]" nil t)
      (let* ((info (planner-current-note-info t))
             (id (sacha/planner-note-id info)))
        (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
        ;; Bound the entire thing in a div
        (insert "<div class=\"note\" id=\"anchor-" (planner-note-anchor info) 
                "<h3>" (planner-note-anchor info) ". " (planner-note-title 
info) "</h3>\n"
                "<div class=\"note_info\">Categories: " (or 
(planner-note-link-text info) "None") " -- "
                (planner-make-link (concat (planner-page-name) "#" 
(planner-note-anchor info)) "Permalink")
                (format ", <span class=\"commentlink\"><?php 
$blog_id='%s';include (BK_PATH.\"/module/blogkomm_show_link.php\"); ?></span>" 
                ", <a href=\"#feedback\">Mail me</a></div>\n"
                "<div class=\"note_body\">\n"
                (planner-note-body info)
                "\n</div><div class=\"note_info\">"
                (planner-make-link (concat (planner-page-name) "#" 
(planner-note-anchor info)) "Permalink")
                ", "
                (format "<span class=\"commentlink\"><?php 
$blog_id='%s';include (BK_PATH.\"/module/blogkomm_show_link.php\"); ?></span>" 
                ", <a href=\"#feedback\">Mail me</a> -- <a href=\"#top\">Back 
to top</a></div></div>\n")))))

;; later, after definition of sacha/planner-markup-tasks

(setq planner-publishing-markup
      '([emacs-wiki-tag-regexp 0 emacs-wiki-markup-custom-tags]
I also needed to add

 if (isset($_REQUEST['rem'])) { 
     setcookie ("blogKo_name", $_REQUEST['comm_name'],time()+1209600); 
     setcookie ("blogKo_mail", $_REQUEST['comm_e_mail'],time()+1209600); 
     setcookie ("blogKo_www", $_REQUEST['comm_website'],time()+1209600); 
 if (!isset($button)) { 
     $comm_name = $_COOKIE["blogKo_name"]; 
     $comm_e_mail = $_COOKIE["blogKo_mail"]; 
     $comm_website = $_COOKIE["blogKo_www"]; 
 define (BK_PATH, "/home/sachac/public_html/comments");

to my header.inc.php (see 
which is the file loaded by http://sacha.free.net.ph/notebook/wiki/.header .

Much fun! =D
Sacha Chua <address@hidden> - open source geekette
http://sacha.free.net.ph/ - PGP Key ID: 0xE7FDF77C
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, personal information management, juggling
sachac on irc.freenode.net#emacs . YM: sachachua83

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