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[emacs-wiki-discuss] patch: planner-deadline.el: don't update if task is

From: Dryice Liu
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] patch: planner-deadline.el: don't update if task is done or canceled
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:46:52 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (berkeley-unix)

I used planner-deadline for a week and notice that
planner-deadline-update will update the "overdue" info even if the
task is done or canceled. This is pretty annoying when calling from a
plan page: all my done and canceled tasks get overdue :(

Here is a patch to prevent that (most are white space changes,
sorry). And a small helper function planner-deadline-change to save
some key stocks :)

--- planner-deadline.el.orig    Wed Dec 15 10:14:07 2004
+++ planner-deadline.el Wed Dec 22 16:36:37 2004
@@ -56,30 +56,49 @@
                                     planner-deadline-regexp) nil t)
     (let* ((info (planner-current-task-info))
            (description (planner-task-description info))
+          (status (planner-task-status info))
-      (when (and (planner-task-date info)
-                 (string-match planner-deadline-regexp
-                               description))
-        (setq diff
-              (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
-                  (planner-filename-to-calendar-date
-                   (match-string 2 description)))
-                 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
-                  (planner-filename-to-calendar-date
-                   (planner-task-date info)))))
-        (planner-edit-task-description
-         (replace-match
-          (concat "{{Deadline: "
-                  (match-string 2 description)
-                  " - "
-                  (cond
-                   ((< diff 0) (format "%d days *OVERDUE*"
-                                       (- diff)))
-                   ((= diff 0) "*TODAY*")
-                   (t (format "%d days" diff)))
-                  "}}")
-          t t description 1))
-        (forward-line 1)))))
+      (if (and (not (equal status "X")) (not (equal status "C")))
+         (when (and (planner-task-date info)
+                    (string-match planner-deadline-regexp
+                                  description))
+           (setq diff
+                 (- (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                     (planner-filename-to-calendar-date
+                      (match-string 2 description)))
+                    (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                     (planner-filename-to-calendar-date
+                      (planner-task-date info)))))
+           (planner-edit-task-description
+            (replace-match
+             (concat "{{Deadline: "
+                     (match-string 2 description)
+                     " - "
+                     (cond
+                      ((< diff 0) (format "%d days *OVERDUE*"
+                                          (- diff)))
+                      ((= diff 0) "*TODAY*")
+                      (t (format "%d days" diff)))
+                     "}}")
+             t t description 1))
+           (forward-line 1))))))
+(defun planner-deadline-change (&optional date)
+  "Change the deadline of current task to date, prompt if not
+given. Remove deadline if nil is given."
+  (interactive (list (planner-read-date)))
+  (let* ((info (planner-current-task-info))
+        (description (planner-task-description info))
+        new-description)
+    (if (string-match planner-deadline-regexp description)
+       (setq new-description (replace-match "" t t description)))
+    (if date
+       (planner-edit-task-description (concat new-description
+                                              "{{Deadline: "
+                                              date
+                                              "}}"))
+      (planner-edit-task-description new-description)))
+  (planner-deadline-update))
 (provide 'planner-deadline)


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