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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Can't get other projects to publish.

From: TC
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Can't get other projects to publish.
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 10:06:37 -0600

I've realised my emacs-wiki lisp may be out of date (I'm back to using
emacs-wiki after some time away).  So, rather than mess about with the
old stuff, I'm updating to Michael's most recent files and taking it
from there.

First problem I hit then is a possible xemacs/emacs difference.  (I'm
using Gnu emacs.)  Line 951 of emacs-wiki-publish.el reads:

 (setcdr lfiles (cons (cadar names) nil))

but emacs doesn't seem to know what "cadar" is.  For emacs, does that
need to be:

 (setcdr lfiles (cons (car (cdar names)) nil))

I'm not a lisp programmer by any means, so I'm probably talking
nonsense.  But as it stands, emacs gripes about "cadar".

I tried a search for cadar on the forum archives, and briefly on google,
but found nothing that meant anything to me.


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