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Re: [emacs-tangents] 2024-11-11 Emacs news

From: James Thomas
Subject: Re: [emacs-tangents] 2024-11-11 Emacs news
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:46:31 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Sacha Chua wrote:

>  * Tip: you can use magit-find-file to find any version of a file
>  quickly

In VC, for e.g. 'C-x v ~ master@{4_months_ago} RET': any spec in (man
"gitrevisions(7)") should work.

>  * Aimé Bertrand: Mu4e - save attachments faster - an update

>> my solution for saving multiple attachements at once without a
>> completion

FYI: In Gnus, 'X m'.

>  * Thanos Apollo: RSS Mastery with RSS-Bridge & Elfeed [Video]​

>> RSS-Bridge

Looks heavy: (info "(gnus) Web Searches") is better IMO, using a custom
'nnweb-type-definition'. (caveat: all these could lull us into a false
sense of convenience with a non-free service, until they up their game,
by when it's too late)

>  * What are your bad habits?

>> Using C-x b RET instead of C-x LEFT to go to the previous buffer

>>> this is a very good habit, the position of arrow keys is terrible on
>>> most keyboards

So I have C-<return> and C-M-<return> (previously C-z and C-x C-z) bound
to bury- and unbury-buffer respectively (C-j is used for RET anyway):
they double as the above. Also useful in between minibuffer editing.

>> Forget to save window configurations in registers


>> (python related, especially painful with git worktrees) Why did I not
>> make sure I was using the right venv with pyvenv?

Use buffer-env. Also, a modeline indicator or custom eshell prompt?


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