Rahguzar <rahguzar@zohomail.eu> writes:
> If you have wanted this functionality, please try the my fork of
> image-roll which is hosted at,
> https://github.com/aikrahguzar/image-roll.el
> together with the continuous scroll branch of my pdf-tools fork
> https://github.com/aikrahguzar/pdf-tools/tree/continuous-scroll
> and report back your experience and even better fixes for any problems
> you encountered.
Thanks for this! One of my pet peeves with pdf-tools (+ org-noter) on a
smaller screen was accidentally scrolling just a bit too far and having
it replace the page. Your packages so far have solved this problem for
I'll be using these packages from now on and I'll be sure to report back
if I run into any problems.
Dmitry and I are maintainers of org-noter. I haven't tried your code yet, but I think the feature is important for pdf-tools and if it gets integrated into pdf-tools, I'd like to ensure that org-noter works well with it.
Rahguzar -- are you going to be making pull-requests to the upstream repos? I notice that you are a fork of a fork of the "official" pdf-tools repo (vedang/pdf-tools), and your code has diverged significantly from vedang/pdf-tools (96 ahead/44 behind). Since vedang/pdf-tools is under active maintainership, I think the best course of action is to make a PR (or a series of PRs, as it looks like you've done a **lot** of work on this feature).
Although this looks very interesting to me, I don't have the bandwidth to dive into it.