- Help wanted:
- Upcoming events:
- M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Tue Oct 4 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore
- Emacs Paris (virtual, in French) https://www.emacs-doctor.com/emacs-paris-user-group/ Tue Oct 4 0830 Vancouver / 1030 Chicago / 1130 Toronto / 1530 GMT / 1730 Berlin / 2100 Kolkata / 2330 Singapore
- EmacsATX: Emacs Social https://www.meetup.com/emacsatx/events/288513822/ Wed Oct 5 1630 Vancouver / 1830 Chicago / 1930 Toronto / 2330 GMT – Thu Oct 6 0130 Berlin / 0500 Kolkata / 0730 Singapore
- Emacs users group Slovenia https://emacs.si/ Thu Oct 6 1100 Vancouver / 1300 Chicago / 1400 Toronto / 1800 GMT / 2000 Berlin / 2330 Kolkata – Fri Oct 7 0200 Singapore
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Oct 14 0900 Vancouver / 1100 Chicago / 1200 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1800 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata – Sat Oct 15 0000 Singapore
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- New packages:
- doc-toc: Manage outlines/table of contents of pdf and djvu documents (GNU ELPA)
- org-tagged: Dynamic block for tagged org-mode todos (MELPA)
- sweeprolog: Embedded SWI-Prolog (NonGNU ELPA)
- tesouro: Brazilian Portuguese synonym search in dicio.com.br (MELPA)
- xit-mode: A [x]it! major mode (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, emacs-devel, and lemmy/c/emacs.