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Annoying behavior when dropping directorty in dired buffer

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Annoying behavior when dropping directorty in dired buffer
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 12:03:19 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (windows-nt)

Would it be possible to configure what should happen when I drop a
directory into a dired buffer? The current behavior is extremely
annoying. I get this error:

  Recursive copies not enabled.\nSee variable dired-recursive-copies.

I could change that variable but I do not want anything else than the
directiry opening in yet another dired buffer. I don't want to drag
and drop directories to get them moved/copied/linked.

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