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[PATCH] Change default latex compiler to latexmk

From: Timothy
Subject: [PATCH] Change default latex compiler to latexmk
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2021 00:55:03 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 28.0.50

Hey all,

>From the earlier discussion on this, I got feeling a consensus had
reached that this is a good idea, as long as we check that latexmk is
available first.
As such, here is a patch changing the default LaTeX compiler to latexmk
--- as long as it's available. For what it's worth I've been using this
exact command in my personal config for months now, and it's worked


Attachment: 0001-ox-latex-Change-default-compiler-to-latexmk.patch
Description: Text Data

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