#+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:nil num:nil #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+startup: beamer #+PROPERTY: cache yes #+latex_header: \usepackage[british]{babel} * Introduction ** Example: Benzene and Chlorobenzene mixture - Benzene is lighter of the two components. - Antoine coefficients (\scannedtable{4}) are: #+tblname: benzene-chlorobenzene-antoine-coefficients | Species | A | B | C | |---------------+---------+----------+---------| | benzene | 6.89272 | 1203.531 | 219.888 | | chlorobenzene | 7.10690 | 1500.0 | 224 | #+name: benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility #+begin_src octave :exports none :results output :var T=25 :var coeff=benzene-chlorobenzene-antoine-coefficients[2:-1,1:-1] format bank b=1; # row indices c=2; A=1; # column indices B=2; C=3; for i=1:2, p(i) = 10^(coeff(i,A) - coeff(i,B)/(T+coeff(i,C))); endfor alpha = p(b)/p(c); printf("%.2f", alpha); #+end_src - Picking a reasonable temperature, say $T=25\,^\circ C$, and using eq. \ref{eq:distillation-alpha}, gives a relative volatility of call_benzene-chlorobenzene-relative-volatility(T=25). - Now generate values of $y$ for values of $x \in [0,1]$ using eq. \ref{eq:distillation-vapour-composition}.