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[elpa] externals/bufferlo 8d08bca744 3/7: Add bookmarking feature for fr

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/bufferlo 8d08bca744 3/7: Add bookmarking feature for frames and tabs
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 12:57:45 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/bufferlo
commit 8d08bca7444ba7708e3cf91c3dc7ad4ea69ac067
Author: Florian Rommel <mail@florommel.de>
Commit: Florian Rommel <mail@florommel.de>

    Add bookmarking feature for frames and tabs
    It is now possible to bookmark the current editing state of individual
    frames and tabs (windows and local buffers, i.e., the "session").
    This allows persisting and restoring the state of a frame or tab
    within or between Emacs sessions.
 README.org  |  45 ++++++++++
 bufferlo.el | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 319 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index d7c9e69df4..b363b92329 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -201,6 +201,51 @@ You can also integrate bufferlo with ivy.
+** Bookmarking Tabs and Frames
+Bufferlo lets you bookmark the current editing state of individual
+frames and tabs (windows and local buffers, i.e., the "session").
+This allows persisting and restoring the state of a frame or tab
+within or between Emacs sessions.
+This feature has similarities to 
[[https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el][activities.el]] and 
+but with awareness of bufferlo's local buffer list.
+A tab bookmark includes the tab's window configuration, the local
+buffer list, and the state (not the contents) of all bookmarkable
+local buffers.  A frame bookmark saves the entire frame with all its
+tabs and their states.
+The state of non-bookmarkable buffers is not saved.  However, when
+still open, they are included in the restored tab/frame.
+Tab bookmark functions:
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save~:
+  Save the current tab as a bookmark.
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load~:
+  Load a tab bookmark.  This replaces the current tab.
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save-current~:
+  Save the current tab to its associated bookmark (*).
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load-current~:
+  Load the current tab from its associated bookmark (*).
+Frame bookmark functions:
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save~:
+  Save the current frame as a bookmark.
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load~:
+  Load a frame bookmark.  This replaces the current frame.
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save-current~:
+  Save the current frame to its associated bookmark (*).
+- ~bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load-current~:
+  Load the current frame from its associated bookmark (*).
+Restoring bookmarks correctly handles renamed buffers with unchanged
+file association (e.g., when Emacs had to "uniquify" buffer names).
+(*) The associated bookmark is the bookmark from which the frame/tab
+was loaded or to which it was saved.
 ** Initial Buffer
 By default, the currently active buffer is shown in a newly created tab, so
diff --git a/bufferlo.el b/bufferlo.el
index e7f67ea0dd..80de26f3d8 100644
--- a/bufferlo.el
+++ b/bufferlo.el
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 (require 'seq)
 (require 'tab-bar)
 (require 'desktop)
+(require 'bookmark)
 (defgroup bufferlo nil
   "Manage frame/tab-local buffer lists."
@@ -156,6 +157,21 @@ Set this to `include' or `exclude'."
   :type '(radio (const :tag "Include filter" include)
                 (const :tag "Exclude filter" exclude)))
+(defcustom bufferlo-bookmark-map-functions nil
+  "Functions to call for every local buffer when making a tab bookmark.
+Each function takes a bookmark record as its argument.  The corresponding
+buffer is set as current buffer.  Every function should return a valid
+bookmark record or nil.  The first function gets the buffer's default
+bookmark record or nil if it is not bookmarkable.  Subsequent functions
+receive the bookmark record that the previous function returned as their
+argument.  The bookmark record of the last function is used as the
+effective record.  If the last function returns nil, no record for the
+respective buffer is included in the frame or tab bookmark.
+These functions are also called when creating a frame bookmark, since a
+frame bookmark is a collection of tab bookmarks."
+  :type 'hook)
 (defvar bufferlo--desktop-advice-active nil)
 (defvar bufferlo--desktop-advice-active-force nil)
@@ -912,6 +928,264 @@ In contrast to `bufferlo-anywhere-mode', this does not 
adhere to
       (advice-add #'call-interactively :around #'bufferlo--interactive-advice))
     (add-hook 'post-command-hook postfun)))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-get-for-buffer (buffer)
+  "Get `buffer-name' and bookmark for BUFFER."
+  (with-current-buffer buffer
+    (let ((record (when (or (and (eq bookmark-make-record-function
+                                     #'bookmark-make-record-default)
+                                 (ignore-errors (bookmark-buffer-file-name)))
+                            (not (eq bookmark-make-record-function
+                                     #'bookmark-make-record-default)))
+                    (bookmark-make-record))))
+      (dolist (fn bufferlo-bookmark-map-functions)
+        (setq record (funcall fn record)))
+      (list (buffer-name buffer) record))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-get-for-buffers-in-tab (frame)
+  "Get bookmarks for all buffers of the tab TABNUM in FRAME."
+  (with-selected-frame (or frame (selected-frame))
+    (seq-filter #'identity
+                (mapcar #'bufferlo--bookmark-get-for-buffer
+                        (bufferlo-buffer-list frame nil t)))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-tab-get (&optional name frame)
+  "Get the bufferlo tab bookmark for the current tab in FRAME.
+Optional argument NAME provides a name for the bookmarks.
+FRAME specifies the frame; the default value of nil selects the current frame."
+  `((buffer-bookmarks . ,(bufferlo--bookmark-get-for-buffers-in-tab frame))
+    (buffer-list . ,(mapcar #'buffer-name (bufferlo-buffer-list frame nil t)))
+    (window . ,(window-state-get (frame-root-window frame) 'writable))
+    (name . ,name)
+    (handler . ,#'bufferlo--bookmark-tab-handler)))
+(defun bufferlo--ws-replace-buffer-names (ws replace-alist)
+  "Replace buffer names according to REPLACE-ALIST in the window state WS."
+  (dolist (el ws)
+    (when-let (type (and (listp el) (car el)))
+      (cond ((memq type '(vc hc))
+             (bufferlo--ws-replace-buffer-names (cdr el) replace-alist))
+            ((eq type 'leaf)
+             (let ((bc (assq 'buffer (cdr el))))
+               (when-let (replace (assoc (cadr bc) replace-alist))
+                 (setf (cadr bc) (cdr replace)))))))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-tab-handler (bookmark &optional no-message)
+  "Handle bufferlo tab bookmark.
+The argument BOOKMARK is the to-be restored tab bookmark created via
+`bufferlo--bookmark-tab-get'.  The optional argument NO-MESSAGE inhibits
+the message after successfully restoring the bookmark."
+  (let* ((ws (copy-tree (alist-get 'window bookmark)))
+         (dummy (generate-new-buffer " *bufferlo dummy buffer*"))
+         (renamed
+          (mapcar
+           (lambda (bm)
+             (let ((org-name (car bm))
+                   (record (cadr bm)))
+               (set-buffer dummy)
+               (condition-case err
+                   (progn (funcall (or (bookmark-get-handler record)
+                                       'bookmark-default-handler)
+                                   record)
+                          (run-hooks 'bookmark-after-jump-hook))
+                 (error
+                  (ignore err)
+                  (message "Bufferlo tab: Could not restore %s" org-name)))
+               (unless (eq (current-buffer) dummy)
+                 (unless (string-equal org-name (buffer-name))
+                   (cons org-name (buffer-name))))))
+           (alist-get 'buffer-bookmarks bookmark)))
+         (bl (mapcar (lambda (b)
+                       (if-let (replace (assoc b renamed))
+                           (cdr replace)
+                         b))
+                     (alist-get 'buffer-list bookmark)))
+         (bl (seq-filter #'get-buffer bl))
+         (bl (mapcar #'get-buffer bl)))
+    (kill-buffer dummy)
+    (bufferlo--ws-replace-buffer-names ws renamed)
+    (window-state-put ws (frame-root-window))
+    (set-frame-parameter nil 'buffer-list bl)
+    (set-frame-parameter nil 'buried-buffer-list nil))
+  (unless no-message
+    (message "Restored bufferlo tab bookmark%s"
+             (if-let (name (alist-get 'name bookmark))
+                 (format ": %s" name) ""))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-frame-get (&optional name frame)
+  "Get the bufferlo frame bookmark.
+Optional argument NAME provides a name for the bookmarks.
+FRAME specifies the frame; the default value of nil selects the current frame."
+  (let ((org-tab (1+ (tab-bar--current-tab-index nil frame)))
+        (tabs nil))
+    (dotimes (i (length (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function)))
+      (tab-bar-select-tab (1+ i))
+      (let* ((curr (alist-get 'current-tab (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function)))
+             (name (alist-get 'name curr))
+             (explicit-name (alist-get 'explicit-name curr))
+             (tbm (bufferlo--bookmark-tab-get nil frame)))
+        (if explicit-name
+            (push (cons 'tab-name name) tbm)
+          (push (cons 'tab-name nil) tbm))
+        (push tbm tabs)))
+    (tab-bar-select-tab org-tab)
+    `((tabs . ,(reverse tabs))
+      (current . ,org-tab)
+      (name . ,name)
+      (handler . ,#'bufferlo--bookmark-frame-handler))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-frame-handler (bookmark &optional no-message)
+  "Handle bufferlo frame bookmark.
+The argument BOOKMARK is the to-be restored frame bookmark created via
+`bufferlo--bookmark-frame-get'.  The optional argument NO-MESSAGE inhibits
+the message after successfully restoring the bookmark."
+  (if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
+      (tab-bar-tabs-set nil)
+    (set-frame-parameter nil 'tabs nil))
+  (let ((first t))
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (tbm)
+       (if first
+           (setq first nil)
+         (tab-bar-new-tab-to))
+       (bufferlo--bookmark-tab-handler tbm t)
+       (when-let (tab-name (alist-get 'tab-name tbm))
+         (tab-bar-rename-tab tab-name)))
+     (alist-get 'tabs bookmark)))
+  (tab-bar-select-tab (alist-get 'current bookmark))
+  (unless no-message
+    (message "Restored bufferlo frame bookmark%s"
+             (if-let (name (alist-get 'name bookmark))
+                 (format ": %s" name) ""))))
+(defun bufferlo--bookmark-get-names (&rest handlers)
+  "Get the names of all existing bookmarks for HANDLERS."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (mapcar
+   #'car
+   (seq-filter
+    (lambda (bm)
+      (memq (alist-get 'handler (cdr bm)) handlers))
+    bookmark-alist)))
+(defun bufferlo--current-tab ()
+  "Get the current tab record."
+  (if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
+      (tab-bar--current-tab-find)
+    (assq 'current-tab (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function nil))))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save (name &optional no-overwrite)
+  "Save the current tab as a bookmark.
+NAME is the bookmark's name.  If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil,
+record the new bookmark without throwing away the old one.
+This function persists the current tab's state:
+The resulting bookmark stores the window configuration and the local
+buffer list of the current tab.  In addition, it saves the bookmark
+state (not the contents) of the bookmarkable buffers in the tab's local
+buffer list."
+  (interactive
+   (list (completing-read
+          "Save bufferlo tab bookmark: "
+          (bufferlo--bookmark-get-names #'bufferlo--bookmark-tab-handler)
+          nil nil nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-history)))
+  (bookmark-store name (bufferlo--bookmark-tab-get name) no-overwrite)
+  (setf (alist-get 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-name
+                   (cdr (bufferlo--current-tab)))
+        name)
+  (message "saved bufferlo tab bookmark: %s" name))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load (name)
+  "Load a tab bookmark; replace the current tab's state.
+NAME is the bookmark's name."
+  (interactive
+   (list (completing-read
+          "Load bufferlo tab bookmark: "
+          (bufferlo--bookmark-get-names #'bufferlo--bookmark-tab-handler)
+          nil nil nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-history)))
+  (let ((bookmark-fringe-mark nil))
+    (bookmark-jump name #'ignore))
+  (setf (alist-get 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-name
+                   (cdr (bufferlo--current-tab)))
+        name))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save-current ()
+  "Save the current tab to its associated bookmark.
+The associated bookmark is determined by the name of the bookmark to
+which the tab was last saved or (if not yet saved) from which it was
+initially loaded.  Performs an interactive bookmark selection if no
+associated bookmark exists."
+  (interactive)
+  (if-let (bm (alist-get 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-name
+                         (cdr (bufferlo--current-tab))))
+      (bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save bm)
+    (call-interactively #'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-save)))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load-current ()
+  "Load the current tab's associated bookmark.
+The associated bookmark is determined by the name of the bookmark to
+which the tab was last saved or (if not yet saved) from which it was
+initially loaded.  Performs an interactive bookmark selection if no
+associated bookmark exists."
+  (interactive)
+  (if-let (bm (alist-get 'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-name
+                         (cdr (bufferlo--current-tab))))
+      (bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load bm)
+    (call-interactively #'bufferlo-bookmark-tab-load)))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save (name &optional no-overwrite)
+  "Save the current frame as a bookmark.
+NAME is the bookmark's name.  If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil,
+record the new bookmark without throwing away the old one.
+This function persists the current frame's state (the \"session\"):
+The resulting bookmark stores the window configurations and the local
+buffer lists of all tabs in the frame.  In addition, it saves the bookmark
+state (not the contents) of the bookmarkable buffers for each tab."
+  (interactive
+   (list (completing-read
+          "Save bufferlo frame bookmark: "
+          (bufferlo--bookmark-get-names #'bufferlo--bookmark-frame-handler)
+          nil nil nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-history
+          (frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name))))
+  (bookmark-store name (bufferlo--bookmark-frame-get name) no-overwrite)
+  (set-frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name name)
+  (message "Saved bufferlo frame bookmark: %s" name))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load (name)
+  "Load a frame bookmark; replace the current frame's state.
+NAME is the bookmark's name."
+  (interactive
+   (list (completing-read
+          "Load bufferlo frame bookmark: "
+          (bufferlo--bookmark-get-names #'bufferlo--bookmark-frame-handler)
+          nil nil nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-history
+          (frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name))))
+  (let ((bookmark-fringe-mark nil))
+    (bookmark-jump name #'ignore))
+  (set-frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name name))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save-current ()
+  "Save the current frame to its associated bookmark.
+The associated bookmark is determined by the name of the bookmark to
+which the frame was last saved or (if not yet saved) from which it was
+initially loaded.  Performs an interactive bookmark selection if no
+associated bookmark exists."
+  (interactive)
+  (if-let (bm (frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name))
+      (bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save bm)
+    (call-interactively #'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-save)))
+(defun bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load-current ()
+  "Load the current frame's associated bookmark.
+The associated bookmark is determined by the name of the bookmark to
+which the frame was last saved or (if not yet saved) from which it was
+initially loaded.  Performs an interactive bookmark selection if no
+associated bookmark exists."
+  (interactive)
+  (if-let (bm (frame-parameter nil 'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-name))
+      (bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load bm)
+    (call-interactively #'bufferlo-bookmark-frame-load)))
 (provide 'bufferlo)
 ;;; bufferlo.el ends here

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