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[elpa] externals/modus-themes 44d9d41576 1/2: Add support for jabber

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/modus-themes 44d9d41576 1/2: Add support for jabber
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 03:58:36 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/modus-themes
commit 44d9d41576a1c019a1b6740dbb706c91436f33fa
Author: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.org>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Add support for jabber
    Existing faces from jabber.el are replaced with equivalent colors from
    the Modus theme, ensuring a familiar interface experience for current
    The following faces have specific changes:
    - jabber-activity-face; Uses 'modeline-info', as this face represents
      information displayed in the modeline.
    - jabber-title-SIZE; 'fg-heading' is used instead of the default.
    - jabber-roster-user-error; Inherits from 'error'.
    - jabber-roster-user-offline; The color 'fg-dim' in italics is used
      instead of the default "dark-grey".
    These adjustments aim to maintain consistency with the rest of the
    Emacs UI & modus-themes color-pallete.
 modus-themes.el | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)

diff --git a/modus-themes.el b/modus-themes.el
index 88a182f54c..fa3f501d99 100644
--- a/modus-themes.el
+++ b/modus-themes.el
@@ -2712,6 +2712,24 @@ FG and BG are the main colors."
 ;;;;; ivy-posframe
     `(ivy-posframe-border ((,c :background ,border)))
     `(ivy-posframe-cursor ((,c :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
+;;;;; jabber
+    `(jabber-activity-face ((,c :foreground ,modeline-info)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-away ((,c :foreground ,red-faint)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-xa ((,c :foreground ,magenta :italic t)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-dnd ((,c :foreground ,red :bold t)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-chatty ((,c :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-error ((,c :inherit error)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-offline ((,c :foreground ,fg-dim :italic t)))
+    `(jabber-roster-user-online ((,c :foreground ,cyan :weight bold)))
+    `(jabber-chat-prompt-foreign ((,c :foreground ,red :weight bold)))
+    `(jabber-chat-prompt-system ((,c :foreground ,green)))
+    `(jabber-chat-prompt-local ((,c :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(jabber-chat-error ((,c :inherit error)))
+    `(jabber-activity-personal-face ((,c :foreground ,blue-intense)))
+    `(jabber-rare-time-face ((,c :foreground ,green-faint :underline t)))
+    `(jabber-title-small ((,c :weight bold :height 1.0 :foreground 
+    `(jabber-title-medium ((,c :weight bold :width expanded :height 2.0 
:foreground ,fg-heading-2)))
+    `(jabber-title-large ((,c :weight bold :width ultra-expanded :height 3.0 
:foreground ,fg-heading-1)))
 ;;;;; japanese-holidays
     `(japanese-holiday-saturday ((,c :foreground ,date-holiday-other)))
 ;;;;; jira (org-jira)

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