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[elpa] externals/plz f402bcc934 2/2: Tidy: Indentation

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/plz f402bcc934 2/2: Tidy: Indentation
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2024 07:22:44 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/plz
commit f402bcc93446fe1629dd2e64d7e147e22fe034e8
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

    Tidy: Indentation
    For Emacs 29.1.
 plz.el            | 18 +++++++++---------
 tests/test-plz.el |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plz.el b/plz.el
index 51b9bb0dd6..dc7ed06155 100644
--- a/plz.el
+++ b/plz.el
@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see.
                    ('binary nil)
                    (_ decode)))
-           ;; Avoid making process in a nonexistent directory (in case the 
-           ;; default-directory has since been removed).  It's unclear what 
the best
-           ;; directory is, but this seems to make sense, and it should still 
-           temporary-file-directory)
+          ;; Avoid making process in a nonexistent directory (in case the 
+          ;; default-directory has since been removed).  It's unclear what the 
+          ;; directory is, but this seems to make sense, and it should still 
+          temporary-file-directory)
          (process-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *plz-request-curl*"))
          (stderr-process (make-pipe-process :name "plz-request-curl-stderr"
                                             :buffer (generate-new-buffer " 
@@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ making QUEUE's requests."
 Return when QUEUE is at limit or has no more queued requests.
 QUEUE should be a `plz-queue' structure."
-  (cl-labels ((readyp
-               (queue) (and (not (plz-queue-canceled-p queue))
-                            (plz-queue-requests queue)
-                            ;; With apologies to skeeto...
-                            (< (length (plz-queue-active queue)) 
(plz-queue-limit queue)))))
+  (cl-labels ((readyp (queue)
+                (and (not (plz-queue-canceled-p queue))
+                     (plz-queue-requests queue)
+                     ;; With apologies to skeeto...
+                     (< (length (plz-queue-active queue)) (plz-queue-limit 
     (while (readyp queue)
       (pcase-let* ((request (plz--queue-pop queue))
                    ((cl-struct plz-queued-request method url
diff --git a/tests/test-plz.el b/tests/test-plz.el
index ef47b899fa..e2ab8acfce 100644
--- a/tests/test-plz.el
+++ b/tests/test-plz.el
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ in URL-encoded form)."
                              (let ((plz-curl-default-args
                                     ',(append plz-curl-default-args (list 
(format "--http%s" http-version)))))
                                (cl-labels ((url (part)
-                                                (setf part 
-                                                            "URI-PREFIX" 
(url-hexify-string plz-test-uri-prefix)
-                                                            part t t))
-                                                (concat plz-test-uri-prefix 
+                                             (setf part 
+                                                         "URI-PREFIX" 
(url-hexify-string plz-test-uri-prefix)
+                                                         part t t))
+                                             (concat plz-test-uri-prefix 
 ;;;; Functions

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