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[elpa] externals/yasnippet 50ba4f3821 2/5: Replace Rakefile with Makefil
From: |
ELPA Syncer |
Subject: |
[elpa] externals/yasnippet 50ba4f3821 2/5: Replace Rakefile with Makefile |
Date: |
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 12:59:00 -0400 (EDT) |
branch: externals/yasnippet
commit 50ba4f3821c97a9f471494bc9d10b30f559b31c3
Author: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
Commit: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
Replace Rakefile with Makefile
* Makefile: New file
* Rakefile: Delete
Makefile | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++
README.mdown | 4 --
Rakefile | 130 -----------------------------------------------------------
3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6af7f80857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+### Makefile for Yasnippet (stolen from Eglot)
+# Variables
+ELFILES := yasnippet.el yasnippet-tests.el
+ELCFILES := $(ELFILES:.el=.elc)
+ --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn $(ERROR_ON_WARN))'
+all: compile
+%.elc: %.el
+ --batch -f batch-byte-compile $<
+compile: $(ELCFILES)
+# Automated tests
+yasnippet-check: compile
+ $(EMACS) -Q --batch \
+ $(LOAD_PATH) \
+ -l yasnippet \
+ -l yasnippet-tests
+ --eval '(setq ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin 200)' \
+ --eval '(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit (quote $(SELECTOR)))'
+interactive: compile
+ $(EMACS) -Q \
+ $(LOAD_PATH) \
+ -l yasnippet \
+ -l yasnippet-tests
+check: yasnippet-check
+# Cleanup
+ find . -iname '*.elc' -exec rm {} \;
+.PHONY: all compile clean check
diff --git a/README.mdown b/README.mdown
index b30d520fe2..ab91565cc8 100644
--- a/README.mdown
+++ b/README.mdown
@@ -71,10 +71,6 @@ get some!
To use these snippets you have to run the tool first, so
[see its doc][yasmate]), and then point the `yas-snippet-dirs`
variable to the `.../yasmate/snippets` subdir.
- If you have a working ruby environment, you can probably get lucky
- directly with `rake convert-bundles`.
3. [textmate-to-yas.el]
This is another textmate bundle converting tool using Elisp
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c63d26928e..0000000000
--- a/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Ruby -*-
-require 'fileutils'
-if not $EMACS or $EMACS == 't'
- $EMACS = "emacs"
-def find_version
- File.read("yasnippet.el", :encoding => "UTF-8") =~ /;; Package-version:
*([0-9.]+?) *$/
- $version = $1
-desc "run tests in batch mode"
-task :tests do
- sh "#{$EMACS} -Q -L . -l yasnippet-tests.el" +
- " --batch -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit"
-desc "run test in interactive mode"
-task :itests do
- sh "#{$EMACS} -Q -L . -l yasnippet-tests.el" +
- " --eval \"(call-interactively 'ert)\""
-desc "create a release package"
-task :package do
- release_dir = "pkg/yasnippet-#{$version}"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(release_dir)
- files = ['snippets', 'yasnippet.el']
- FileUtils.cp_r files, release_dir
- File.open(File.join(release_dir,'yasnippet-pkg.el'), 'w') do |file|
- file.puts <<END
-(define-package "yasnippet"
- "#{$version}"
- "A template system for Emacs")
- end
- sh "git clean -f snippets"
- FileUtils.cd 'pkg' do
- sh "tar cf yasnippet-#{$version}.tar yasnippet-#{$version}"
- end
-desc "create a release package and upload it to google code"
-task :release => [:package, 'doc:archive'] do
- raise "Not implemented for github yet!"
-# rake doc[../htmlize]
-# To do this interactively, load doc/yas-doc-helper, open one of the
-# org files, and do `C-c C-e P'.
-desc "Generate document"
-task :doc, [:htmlize] do |t, args|
- load_path = '-L .'
- if args[:htmlize]
- load_path += " -L #{args[:htmlize]}"
- end
- sh "#{$EMACS} -Q #{load_path} --batch -l doc/yas-doc-helper.el" +
- " -f yas--generate-html-batch"
-namespace :doc do
- task :archive do
- release_dir = "pkg/yasnippet-#{$version}"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(release_dir)
- sh "tar cjf pkg/yasnippet-doc-#{$version}.tar.bz2 " +
- "--exclude=doc/.svn --exclude=doc/images/.svn doc/*.html doc/images"
- end
- task :upload do
- if File.exists? 'doc/gh-pages'
- Dir.chdir 'doc/gh-pages' do
- sh "git checkout gh-pages"
- end
- Dir.glob("doc/*.{html,css}").each do |file|
- FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages'
- end
- Dir.glob("doc/images/*").each do |file|
- FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages/images'
- end
- Dir.glob("doc/stylesheets/*.css").each do |file|
- FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages/stylesheets'
- end
- curRev = `git describe`.chomp()
- expRev = IO.read('doc/html-revision').chomp()
- if curRev != expRev
- raise ("The HTML rev: #{expRev},\n" +
- "current rev: #{curRev}!\n")
- end
- Dir.chdir 'doc/gh-pages' do
- sh "git commit -a -m 'Automatic documentation update.\n\n" +
- "From #{curRev.chomp()}'"
- sh "git push"
- end
- end
- end
-desc "Compile yasnippet.el into yasnippet.elc"
-rule '.elc' => '.el' do |t|
- cmdline = $EMACS + ' --batch -L .'
- if ENV['warnings']
- cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-warnings #{ENV['warnings']})\""
- end
- if ENV['Werror']
- cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn #{ENV['Werror']})\""
- end
- if ENV['Wlexical']
- cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-force-lexical-warnings
- end
- cmdline +=" -f batch-byte-compile #{t.source}"
- sh cmdline
-task :compile => FileList["yasnippet.el"].ext('elc')
-task :compile_all => FileList["*.el"].ext('elc')
-task :default => :doc
-desc "use yasmate to convert textmate bundles"
-task :convert_bundles do
- cd "yasmate"
- sh "rake convert_bundles"
- end