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[nongnu] elpa/minibar c995aec574 01/17: Add render and modules for time,

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/minibar c995aec574 01/17: Add render and modules for time, CPU, temperature...
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 16:01:35 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/minibar
commit c995aec574f3118541b00cb8a4875963b67813d8
Author: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>
Commit: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>

    Add render and modules for time, CPU, temperature...
 README.org  |  39 ++++++
 miniline.el | 446 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 485 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..228928a3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#+title: Miniline - Modular status bar in echo area
+The echo area is unused most of the time.  Sometimes this empty area so
+annoying that some people want to get rid of it.  This package makes it
+useful by showing a status bar in it when it's unused.  This is especially
+helpful when you use Emacs as your X window manager using EXWM.
+* Installation
+** Quelpa
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(quelpa '(miniline :fetcher git
+                   :url "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-miniline.git";))
+** Straight.el
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ '(miniline :type git
+            :repo "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-miniline.git";))
+** Manual
+First install =minibuffer-line= package from ELPA.  Then download
+=miniline.el= and put it in your ~load-path~.
+* Usage
+Enable ~miniline-mode~ to display miniline.  You may want to put
+~(miniline-mode +1)~ in your init file.  There are several user options you
+can customize, use ~customize-group~ to see and possibly customize them.
+Miniline renders the status bar and it uses =minibuffer-line= package to
+show the line in echo area.  To change the refresh rate, customize the
+~minibuffer-line-refresh-interval~ variable.  To change the face, customize
+the ~minibuffer-line~ face.
diff --git a/miniline.el b/miniline.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1c80ef46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miniline.el
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+;;; miniline.el --- Modular status bar in echo area -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Akib Azmain Turja.
+;; Author: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2") minibuffer-line)
+;; Keywords: calendar, hardware
+;; URL: https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-miniline
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The echo area is unused most of the time.  Sometimes this empty area so
+;; annoying that some people want to get rid of it.  This package makes it
+;; useful by showing a status bar in it when it's unused.  This is
+;; especially helpful when you use Emacs as your X window manager using
+;; EXWM.
+;; Usage:
+;; Enable `miniline-mode' to display miniline.  You may want to put
+;; (miniline-mode +1) in your init file.  There are several user options
+;; you can customize, use `customize-group' to see and possibly customize
+;; them.
+;; Miniline renders the status bar and it uses `minibuffer-line' package
+;; to show the line in echo area.  To change the refresh rate, customize
+;; the `minibuffer-line-refresh-interval' variable.  To change the face,
+;; customize the `minibuffer-line' face.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'minibuffer-line)
+(defgroup miniline nil
+  "Modular status bar in echo bar."
+  :group 'tools
+  :link '(url-link "https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-miniline";)
+  :prefix "miniline-")
+(defcustom miniline-module-separator "  "
+  "Separator to separate modules."
+  :type 'string)
+(defcustom miniline-group-separator "     "
+  "Separator to separate groups."
+  :type 'string)
+(defcustom miniline-group-left nil
+  "Modules to be placed on the left of `miniline'.
+The value should be a list of functions.  Each function should return a
+string to display, or nil in case there is to show."
+  :type '(repeat function))
+(defcustom miniline-group-middle '(miniline-module-time)
+  "Modules to be placed on the middle of `miniline'.
+The value should be a list of functions.  Each function should return a
+string to display, or nil in case there is to show."
+  :type '(repeat function))
+(defcustom miniline-group-right nil
+  "Modules to be placed on the right of `miniline'.
+The value should be a list of functions.  Each function should return a
+string to display, or nil in case there is to show."
+  :type '(repeat function))
+(defun miniline--render-group (modules)
+  "Render MODULES."
+  (mapconcat #'identity (delete nil (mapcar #'funcall modules))
+             miniline-module-separator))
+(defun miniline-render ()
+  "Render Miniline."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((bar "")
+          (width (frame-width (window-frame (minibuffer-window))))
+          (left (miniline--render-group
+                 miniline-group-left))
+          (middle (miniline--render-group
+                   miniline-group-middle))
+          (right (miniline--render-group
+                  miniline-group-right)))
+      ;; HACK: Emacs doesn't show the last character on terminal, so
+      ;; decrease the width by one in that case.
+      (unless (display-graphic-p)
+        (setq width (1- width)))
+      (unless (zerop (length left))
+        (setq bar (concat left miniline-group-separator)))
+      (unless (zerop (length middle))
+        (setq bar (concat bar (make-list
+                              (max 0 (- (/ (- width (length middle)) 2)
+                                        (length bar)))
+                               ? )
+                          middle miniline-group-separator)))
+      (unless (zerop (length right))
+        (setq bar (concat bar (make-list
+                              (max 0 (- width (length right)
+                                        (length bar)))
+                               ? )
+                          right)))
+      (replace-regexp-in-string
+       "%" "%%" (format (format "%%-%i.%is" width width) bar)))))
+(define-minor-mode miniline-mode
+  "Toggle Miniline display."
+  :init-value nil
+  :lighter " Miniline"
+  :keymap nil
+  :global t
+  (if miniline-mode
+      (progn
+        (setq minibuffer-line-format '(:eval (miniline-render)))
+        (minibuffer-line-mode +1))
+    (setq minibuffer-line-format
+          (ignore-errors
+            (eval (car (get 'minibuffer-line-format 'standard-value)))))
+    (minibuffer-line-mode -1)))
+(defcustom miniline-module-time-format "%a %b %d %H:%M"
+  "Time format for time module."
+  :type 'string)
+(defun miniline-module-time ()
+  "Module for showing time."
+  (format-time-string miniline-module-time-format))
+(defcustom miniline-module-battery-cache-for 60
+  "Cache battery status for this many seconds.  Set to zero disable."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom miniline-module-battery-low-threshold 30
+  "When battery is less than this many percent, treat it as low."
+  :type 'number)
+(defface miniline-module-battery-low-face
+  '((t :inherit warning))
+  "Face to use when battery is low.")
+(defvar miniline--module-battery-cache nil
+  "Cached battery status.
+The value is a cons cell whose car is the status and cdr is the time when
+it was recorded.")
+(defun miniline-module-battery ()
+  "Module for showing battery status."
+  (when (or (not miniline--module-battery-cache)
+            (>= (float-time
+                 (time-since (cdr miniline--module-battery-cache)))
+                miniline-module-battery-cache-for))
+    (require 'battery nil t)
+    (setq
+     miniline--module-battery-cache
+     (cons
+      (let ((status (when (boundp 'battery-status-function)
+                      (funcall battery-status-function))))
+        (when (and (listp status)
+                   (assq ?p status)
+                   (assq ?L status)
+                   (assq ?h status)
+                   (assq ?m status))
+          (let ((load (floor (string-to-number (alist-get ?p status))))
+                (charging (string= (alist-get ?L status) "AC"))
+                (remaining-hours (string-to-number (alist-get ?h status)))
+                (remaining-minutes (mod (string-to-number
+                                         (alist-get ?m status))
+                                        60)))
+            (concat
+             (if (and (< load 30)
+                      (not charging))
+                 (propertize (format "%i%%" load) 'face
+                             'miniline-module-battery-low-face)
+               (format "%s%%" load))
+             (if charging "+" " ")
+             (if (eq load 100)
+                 "(full)"
+               (format "(%02i:%02i)" remaining-hours
+                       remaining-minutes))))))
+      (current-time))))
+  (car miniline--module-battery-cache))
+(defcustom miniline-module-temperature-cache-for 5
+  "Cache CPU temperature for this many seconds.  Set to zero disable."
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom miniline-module-temperature-high-threshold 70
+  "When temperature is more than this many percent, treat it as high.
+The value should be less than
+  :type 'number)
+(defcustom miniline-module-temperature-very-high-threshold 90
+  "When temperature is more than this many percent, treat it as very high.
+The value should be more than
+  :type 'number)
+(defface miniline-module-temperature-high-face
+  '((t :inherit warning))
+  "Face to use when temperature is high.")
+(defface miniline-module-temperature-very-high-face
+  '((t :inherit error))
+  "Face to use when temperature is very high.")
+(defvar miniline--module-temperature-cache nil
+  "Cached CPU temperature.
+The value is a cons cell whose car is the temperature and cdr is the time
+when it was recorded.")
+(defun miniline-module-temperature ()
+  "Module for showing CPU temperature"
+  (when (or (not miniline--module-temperature-cache)
+            (>= (float-time
+                 (time-since (cdr miniline--module-temperature-cache)))
+                miniline-module-temperature-cache-for))
+    (setq
+     miniline--module-temperature-cache
+     (cons
+      (let ((zone 0))
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (insert-file-contents
+           (format "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone%i/temp" zone))
+          (let* ((temp (/ (string-to-number (buffer-string)) 1000))
+                 (str (concat (int-to-string temp)
+                              (if (char-displayable-p ?°) "°" " ")
+                              "C")))
+            (if (>= temp miniline-module-temperature-high-threshold)
+                (if (>= temp
+                        miniline-module-temperature-very-high-threshold)
+                    (propertize str 'face
+                                'miniline-module-temperature-high-face)
+                  (propertize str 'face
+                              'miniline-module-temperature-very-high-face))
+              str))))
+      (current-time))))
+  (car miniline--module-temperature-cache))
+(defcustom miniline-module-network-speeds-cache-for 1
+  "Cache network speed values for this many seconds.  Set to zero disable."
+  :type 'number)
+(defvar miniline--module-network-speeds-last-byte-counts nil
+  "Total sent bytes and received bytes previously calculated.")
+(defvar miniline--module-network-speeds-cache nil
+  "Cached network speeds.
+The value is a cons cell whose car is the speeds and cdr is the time when
+it was recorded.")
+(defun miniline-module-network-speeds ()
+  "Module for showing network speeds."
+  (when (or (not miniline--module-network-speeds-cache)
+            (>= (float-time
+                 (time-since (cdr miniline--module-network-speeds-cache)))
+                miniline-module-network-speeds-cache-for))
+    (setq
+     miniline--module-network-speeds-cache
+     (cons
+      (let ((previous miniline--module-network-speeds-last-byte-counts)
+            (current
+             (cons (current-time)
+                   (with-temp-buffer
+                     (insert-file-contents "/proc/net/dev")
+                     (let ((regexp "^[\s\t]*\\(.*\\):")
+                           (sent 0)
+                           (received 0))
+                       (goto-char (point-min))
+                       (while (search-forward-regexp regexp nil t)
+                         (setq received (+ received
+                                           (read (current-buffer)))))
+                       (goto-char (point-min))
+                       (while (search-forward-regexp regexp nil t)
+                         (forward-word 8)
+                         (setq sent (+ sent (read (current-buffer)))))
+                       (cons sent received))))))
+        (let* ((speeds
+                (if previous
+                    (let ((delta (float-time
+                                  (time-subtract (car current)
+                                                 (car previous)))))
+                      (cons (/ (float (- (car (cdr current))
+                                         (car (cdr previous))))
+                               delta)
+                            (/ (float (- (cdr (cdr current))
+                                         (cdr (cdr previous))))
+                               delta)))
+                  '(0.0 . 0.0)))
+               (formatter
+                (lambda (rate)
+                  (let ((unit "B"))
+                    (cond
+                     ((>= rate (* 1024 1024 1000))
+                      (setq unit "GB")
+                      (setq rate (/ rate (* 1024 1024 1000))))
+                     ((>= rate (* 1024 1000))
+                      (setq unit "MB")
+                      (setq rate (/ rate (* 1024 1000))))
+                     ((>= rate 1000)
+                      (setq unit "KB")
+                      (setq rate (/ rate 1000))))
+                    (if (string= unit "B")
+                        (when (>= rate 100)
+                          (setq rate (floor rate)))
+                      (when (>= rate 10)
+                        (setq rate (floor rate))))
+                    (format (if (floatp rate)
+                                (format "%%%i.%if %%s/s"
+                                        (if (string= unit "B") 4 3)
+                                        (if (string= unit "B")
+                                            (if (>= rate 10) 1 2)
+                                          1))
+                              (format "%%%ii %%s/s"
+                                      (if (string= unit "B") 4 3)))
+                            rate unit)))))
+          (setq miniline--module-network-speeds-last-byte-counts current)
+          (format "↑ %s ↓ %s"
+                  (funcall formatter (car speeds))
+                  (funcall formatter (cdr speeds)))))
+      (current-time))))
+  (car miniline--module-network-speeds-cache))
+(defcustom miniline-module-cpu-cache-for 1
+  "Cache CPU load values for this many seconds.  Set to zero disable."
+  :type 'number)
+(defvar miniline--module-cpu-cache nil
+  "Cached CPU load.
+The value is a cons cell whose car is the CPU load and cdr is the time when
+it was recorded.")
+(defvar miniline--module-cpu-last-times nil
+  "Last CPU idle and total calculated.")
+(defvar miniline--module-cpu-count nil
+  "Count of processor or CPU.")
+(defun miniline--module-cpu-calculate-load (cpu)
+  "Calculate CPU load."
+  (let* ((last-cell
+          (let ((cell (assoc-string cpu miniline--module-cpu-last-times)))
+            (unless cell
+              (setq miniline--module-cpu-last-times
+                    (cons (cons cpu nil) miniline--module-cpu-last-times))
+              (setq cell (assoc-string cpu
+                                       miniline--module-cpu-last-times)))
+            cell))
+         (last (cdr last-cell))
+         (now
+          (let ((total 0)
+                (active 0)
+                (data nil))
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (search-forward cpu)
+            (setq data (mapcar (lambda (_) (read (current-buffer)))
+                               (number-sequence 0 7)))
+            (setq total (apply #'+ data))
+            (setq active (- total (+ (nth 3 data)
+                                     (nth 4 data))))
+            (cons total active))))
+    (setcdr last-cell now)
+    (* 100
+       (if last
+           (let ((diff-total (- (car now) (car last)))
+                 (diff-active (- (cdr now) (cdr last))))
+             (if (zerop diff-total)
+                 0.0
+               (/ (float diff-active) diff-total)))
+         0.0))))
+(defun miniline-module-cpu ()
+  "Module for showing CPU loads."
+  (when (or (not miniline--module-cpu-cache)
+            (>= (float-time
+                 (time-since (cdr miniline--module-cpu-cache)))
+                miniline-module-cpu-cache-for))
+    (setq
+     miniline--module-cpu-cache
+     (cons
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert-file-contents "/proc/stat")
+        (unless miniline--module-cpu-count
+          (setq miniline--module-cpu-count
+                (string-to-number (shell-command-to-string "nproc"))))
+        (format
+         "%3i%%%s"
+         (miniline--module-cpu-calculate-load "cpu")
+         (if (display-graphic-p)
+             (concat
+              " "
+              (mapconcat
+               (lambda (i)
+                 (let ((load (miniline--module-cpu-calculate-load
+                              (format "cpu%i" i))))
+                   (cond
+                    ((>= load 87.5)
+                     (propertize (string #x2588) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 75)
+                     (propertize (string #x2587) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 62.5)
+                     (propertize (string #x2586) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 50)
+                     (propertize (string #x2585) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 37.5)
+                     (propertize (string #x2584) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 25)
+                     (propertize (string #x2583) 'face 'bold))
+                    ((>= load 12.5)
+                     (propertize (string #x2582) 'face 'bold))
+                    (t
+                     (propertize
+                      (string #x2581) 'face
+                      '(:weight bold :inherit font-lock-comment-face))))))
+               (number-sequence 0 (1- miniline--module-cpu-count)) ""))
+           "")))
+      (current-time))))
+  (car miniline--module-cpu-cache))
+(provide 'miniline)
+;;; miniline.el ends here

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