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[elpa] externals/tmr 6f3b096f2c 13/14: Greatly simplify tmr-tabulated, r

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/tmr 6f3b096f2c 13/14: Greatly simplify tmr-tabulated, reuse tmr--read-timer
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 12:58:05 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/tmr
commit 6f3b096f2c37c7ccdcce1e0f528826394d111c77
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Greatly simplify tmr-tabulated, reuse tmr--read-timer
    Introduce tmr--read-timer-hook
 tmr-tabulated.el | 72 +++++++++++---------------------------------------------
 tmr.el           | 26 ++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tmr-tabulated.el b/tmr-tabulated.el
index 4f30eab513..82878ad90e 100644
--- a/tmr-tabulated.el
+++ b/tmr-tabulated.el
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
 (defvar tmr-tabulated-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map "k" #'tmr-tabulated-cancel)
+    (define-key map "k" #'tmr-cancel)
     (define-key map "K" #'tmr-remove-finished)
     (define-key map "+" #'tmr)
     (define-key map "t" #'tmr)
     (define-key map "*" #'tmr-with-description)
     (define-key map "T" #'tmr-with-description)
-    (define-key map "c" #'tmr-tabulated-clone)
-    (define-key map "e" #'tmr-tabulated-edit-description)
-    (define-key map "s" #'tmr-tabulated-reschedule)
+    (define-key map "c" #'tmr-clone)
+    (define-key map "e" #'tmr-edit-description)
+    (define-key map "s" #'tmr-reschedule)
   "Keybindings for `tmr-tabulated-mode-map'.")
@@ -85,68 +85,24 @@
   (add-hook 'tabulated-list-revert-hook #'tmr-tabulated--set-entries nil t)
-(defun tmr-tabulated-cancel (timer)
-  "Stop TIMER and remove it from the list.
-Interactively, use the timer at point."
-  (interactive (list (tmr-tabulated--get-timer-at-point)))
-  (tmr-tabulated--move-point-to-closest-entry)
-  (tmr-cancel timer))
-(defun tmr-tabulated-clone (timer)
-  "Create a new timer by cloning TIMER.
-Interactively, use the timer at point."
-  (interactive (list (tmr-tabulated--get-timer-at-point)))
-  (tmr-clone timer))
-(defun tmr-tabulated-reschedule (timer)
-  "Reschedule TIMER.
-This is the same as cloning it and cancelling the original one."
-  (interactive (list (tmr-tabulated--get-timer-at-point)))
-  (tmr-reschedule timer))
-(defun tmr-tabulated-edit-description (timer description)
-  "Change TIMER description with that of DESCRIPTION."
-  (interactive
-   (list
-    (tmr-tabulated--get-timer-at-point)
-    (tmr--description-prompt)))
-  (tmr-edit-description timer description))
-(defun tmr-tabulated--move-point-to-closest-entry ()
-  "Move the point to the next entry if there is one or to the previous one.
-Point isn't moved if point is on the only entry."
-  (if (tmr-tabulated--next-entry)
-      (forward-line 1)
-    (when (tmr-tabulated--previous-entry)
-      (forward-line -1))))
-(defun tmr-tabulated--previous-entry ()
-  "Return the entry on the line before point, nil if none."
-  (save-excursion
-    (setf (point) (line-beginning-position))
-    (unless (bobp)
-      (forward-line -1)
-      (tabulated-list-get-id))))
-(defun tmr-tabulated--next-entry ()
-  "Return the entry on the line after point, nil if none."
-  (save-excursion
-    (setf (point) (line-end-position))
-    (unless (eobp)
-      (forward-line 1)
-      (tabulated-list-get-id))))
-(defun tmr-tabulated--get-timer-at-point ()
+(defun tmr-tabulated--timer-at-point ()
   "Return the timer on the current line or nil."
-  (cl-find (tabulated-list-get-id) tmr--timers :key 
+  (and (eq major-mode #'tmr-tabulated-mode)
+       (cl-find (tabulated-list-get-id) tmr--timers :key 
 (defun tmr-tabulated--refresh ()
   "Refresh *tmr-tabulated-view* buffer if it exists."
   (when-let (buf (get-buffer "*tmr-tabulated-view*"))
     (with-current-buffer buf
-      (revert-buffer))))
+      (let ((lines (line-number-at-pos)))
+        (revert-buffer)
+        (when (and (bobp) (> lines 1))
+          (forward-line (1- lines))
+          (unless (tabulated-list-get-id)
+            (forward-line -1)))))))
 (add-hook 'tmr--update-hook #'tmr-tabulated--refresh)
+(add-hook 'tmr--read-timer-hook #'tmr-tabulated--timer-at-point)
 (provide 'tmr-tabulated)
 ;;; tmr-tabulated.el ends here
diff --git a/tmr.el b/tmr.el
index 9860df9ec0..87bab5695a 100644
--- a/tmr.el
+++ b/tmr.el
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ cancelling the original one."
   (setq tmr--timers (cl-delete-if #'tmr--timer-donep tmr--timers))
   (run-hooks 'tmr--update-hook))
+(defvar tmr--read-timer-hook nil
+  "Hooks to execute to find current timer.")
 (defun tmr--read-timer (&optional active description)
   "Let the user choose a timer among all timers.
 Return the selected timer.  If there is a single timer, use that.
@@ -244,16 +247,19 @@ that are still running.
 If optional DESCRIPTION is provided use it to format the
 completion candidates."
-  (pcase (if active
-             (cl-remove-if #'tmr--timer-donep tmr--timers)
-           tmr--timers)
-    ('nil (user-error "No timers available"))
-    (`(,timer) timer)
-    (_
-     (let* ((formatter (or description #'tmr--long-description))
-            (timer-descriptions (mapcar formatter timers))
-            (selection (completing-read "Timer: " timer-descriptions nil t)))
-       (cl-find selection timers :test #'string= :key formatter)))))
+  (or
+   (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'tmr--read-timer-hook)
+   (pcase
+       (if active
+           (cl-remove-if #'tmr--timer-donep tmr--timers)
+         tmr--timers)
+     ('nil (user-error "No timers available"))
+     (`(,timer) timer)
+     (_
+      (let* ((formatter (or description #'tmr--long-description))
+             (timer-descriptions (mapcar formatter timers))
+             (selection (completing-read "Timer: " timer-descriptions nil t)))
+        (cl-find selection timers :test #'string= :key formatter))))))
 ;; NOTE 2022-04-21: Emacs has a `play-sound' function but it only
 ;; supports .wav and .au formats.  Also, it does not work on all

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