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[elpa] externals/phps-mode d6323a5548 2/8: Moved imenu and bookkeeping t

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode d6323a5548 2/8: Moved imenu and bookkeeping to main thread
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 12:27:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit d6323a55482df8d814d6277145c2ef39d0a325d3
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Moved imenu and bookkeeping to main thread
 phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 phps-mode-lexer.el        |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
index 7fa1f25530..ffdbd7ec4b 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -250,8 +250,21 @@
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-trail (nth 7 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-error (nth 8 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast (nth 9 lex-result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 10 lex-result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 11 lex-result))
+           ;; Catch errors in bookkeeping or imenu generation
+           (condition-case conditions
+               (progn
+                 (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate)
+                 (phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate))
+             (error
+              (display-warning
+              'phps-mode
+              (format "Failed to generate bookkeeping or imenu: %S" conditions)
+              :warning
+              "*PHPs Parser Errors*")))
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping 
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t)
@@ -259,7 +272,8 @@
            (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
              (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
                    (end (cdr (cdr token))))
-               (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
+               (let ((token-syntax-color
+                      (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
                  (if token-syntax-color
                       start end (list 'font-lock-face token-syntax-color))
@@ -387,8 +401,20 @@
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-trail (nth 7 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-error (nth 8 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast (nth 9 lex-result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 10 lex-result))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 11 lex-result))
+           ;; Catch errors in bookkeeping or imenu generation
+           (condition-case conditions
+               (progn
+                 (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate)
+                 (phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate))
+             (error
+              (display-warning
+              'phps-mode
+              (format "Failed to generate bookkeeping or imenu: %S" conditions)
+              :warning
+              "*PHPs Parser Errors*")))
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping 
             (message "Incremental tokens: %s" phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens))
@@ -1193,9 +1219,7 @@
             ;; Error-free parse here
             (condition-case conditions
-                  (phps-mode-ast--generate)
-                  (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate)
-                  (phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate))
+                  (phps-mode-ast--generate))
@@ -1204,26 +1228,21 @@
             ;; Need to copy buffer-local values before killing buffer
             (setq parse-trail phps-mode-ast--parse-trail)
             (setq ast-tree phps-mode-ast--tree)
-            (setq imenu-index phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
-            (setq bookkeeping-index phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index)
-        (let
-            ((data
-              (list
-               tokens
-               states
-               state
-               state-stack
-               heredoc-label
-               heredoc-label-stack
-               nest-location-stack
-               parse-trail
-               parse-error
-               ast-tree
-               imenu-index
-               bookkeeping-index)))
+        (let ((data
+               (list
+                tokens
+                states
+                state
+                state-stack
+                heredoc-label
+                heredoc-label-stack
+                nest-location-stack
+                parse-trail
+                parse-error
+                ast-tree)))
           ;; Save cache if possible and permitted
           (when (and
diff --git a/phps-mode-lexer.el b/phps-mode-lexer.el
index c4e0558995..8daae5d1b8 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lexer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lexer.el
@@ -1999,6 +1999,9 @@
       (dolist (lambd lambdas)
         (funcall lambd)))
+    (when (fboundp 'thread-yield)
+      (thread-yield))
     ;; Did we find a match?
     (if phps-mode-lexer--match-length

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