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[elpa] externals/osm 13a8a02765 2/2: Filter download queue

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/osm 13a8a02765 2/2: Filter download queue
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 14:57:38 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/osm
commit 13a8a02765fb8fec5b31609e261b8a2ca707b7d4
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    Filter download queue
 osm.el | 18 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/osm.el b/osm.el
index 78feb77e04..bfe58c5fbb 100644
--- a/osm.el
+++ b/osm.el
@@ -746,11 +746,19 @@ c53 0 96 43 96 96S309 256 256 256z'/>
 (defun osm--process-queue ()
   "Process the download queue."
   (setq osm--queue
-        (sort osm--queue
-              (pcase-lambda (`(,x1 ,y1 . ,_z1) `(,x2 ,y2 . ,_z2))
-                (setq x1 (- x1 (/ osm--x 256)) y1 (- y1 (/ osm--y 256))
-                      x2 (- x2 (/ osm--x 256)) y2 (- y2 (/ osm--y 256)))
-                  (< (+ (* x1 x1) (* y1 y1)) (+ (* x2 x2) (* y2 y2))))))
+        (sort
+         (cl-loop for job in osm--queue
+                  for (x y . zoom) = job
+                  for i = (- x (/ (- osm--x osm--wx) 256))
+                  for j = (- y (/ (- osm--y osm--wy) 256))
+                  if (and (= zoom osm--zoom)
+                          (>= i 0) (< i osm--nx)
+                          (>= j 0) (< j osm--ny))
+                  collect job)
+         (pcase-lambda (`(,x1 ,y1 . ,_z1) `(,x2 ,y2 . ,_z2))
+           (setq x1 (- x1 (/ osm--x 256)) y1 (- y1 (/ osm--y 256))
+                 x2 (- x2 (/ osm--x 256)) y2 (- y2 (/ osm--y 256)))
+           (< (+ (* x1 x1) (* y1 y1)) (+ (* x2 x2) (* y2 y2))))))
 (defun osm--purge-tiles ()

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