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[nongnu] elpa/typescript-mode 32f5034e9d 127/222: Extract tests as gener

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/typescript-mode 32f5034e9d 127/222: Extract tests as general tests
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 16:59:25 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/typescript-mode
commit 32f5034e9db2971981ec8124be0daa82b1ba3329
Author: Ailrun <jjc9310@gmail.com>
Commit: Ailrun <jjc9310@gmail.com>

    Extract tests as general tests
 Makefile                                           |   5 +-
 ...de-tests.el => typescript-mode-general-tests.el |   9 +-
 typescript-mode-tests.el                           | 589 +--------------------
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 595 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 32c70e8f19..1846d0e82d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 EMACS=$(shell which emacs) -Q -batch -L .
 ELS = \
   typescript-mode.el \
-  typescript-mode-tests.el \
-  typescript-mode-test-utilities.el
+  typescript-mode-test-utilities.el \
+  typescript-mode-general-tests.el \
+  typescript-mode-tests.el
 ELCS = $(ELS:.el=.elc)
diff --git a/typescript-mode-tests.el b/typescript-mode-general-tests.el
similarity index 99%
copy from typescript-mode-tests.el
copy to typescript-mode-general-tests.el
index a976088fbd..cb89f8b986 100644
--- a/typescript-mode-tests.el
+++ b/typescript-mode-general-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-;;; typescript-mode-tests --- This file contains automated tests for 
+;;; typescript-mode-general-tests --- This file contains general tests for 
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; Run tests using (ert-run-tests-interactively t).
+;; To know how to run the tests, see typescript-mode-tests.el
 ;;; Code:
@@ -599,6 +598,6 @@ const b = 'not terminated bbb")))
          (equal matched-file-name (match-string 1)))))))
-(provide 'typescript-mode-tests)
+(provide 'typescript-mode-general-tests)
-;;; typescript-mode-tests.el ends here
+;;; typescript-mode-general-tests.el ends here
diff --git a/typescript-mode-tests.el b/typescript-mode-tests.el
index a976088fbd..c3f2599105 100644
--- a/typescript-mode-tests.el
+++ b/typescript-mode-tests.el
@@ -10,594 +10,7 @@
 (require 'typescript-mode)
 (require 'cl)
 (require 'typescript-mode-test-utilities)
-(defun typescript-test-get-doc ()
-  (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
-(defun typescript-test-indent-all ()
-  (delete-trailing-whitespace)
-  (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)
-  (untabify (point-min) (point-max)))
-(ert-deftest indentation-reference-document-is-reflowed-correctly ()
-  (let ((buffer (find-file "test-files/indentation-reference-document.ts")))
-    ;; double ensure mode is active
-    (typescript-mode)
-    (let ((test-reference (typescript-test-get-doc)))
-      (typescript-test-indent-all)
-      (should (string-equal test-reference
-                            (typescript-test-get-doc)))
-      (let ((typescript-indent-switch-clauses nil))
-        (typescript-test-indent-all)
-        (should (string-equal test-reference
-                              (typescript-test-get-doc)))))
-    (kill-buffer buffer)))
-(ert-deftest switch-case-indent-default ()
-  (let ((buffer (find-file "test-files/switch-case-indent-default.ts")))
-    (typescript-mode)
-    (let ((test-reference (typescript-test-get-doc)))
-      (typescript-test-indent-all)
-      (should (string-equal test-reference
-                            (typescript-test-get-doc))))
-    (kill-buffer buffer)))
-(ert-deftest switch-case-indent-disabled ()
-  (let ((buffer (find-file "test-files/switch-case-indent-disabled.ts"))
-        (typescript-indent-switch-clauses nil))
-    (typescript-mode)
-    (let ((test-reference (typescript-test-get-doc)))
-      (typescript-test-indent-all)
-      (should (string-equal test-reference
-                            (typescript-test-get-doc))))
-    (kill-buffer buffer)))
-(defun get-all-matched-strings (to-match)
-  (let (result)
-    (dotimes (x (/ (length (match-data)) 2))
-      (setq result (nconc result (list (match-string x to-match)))))
-    result))
-(ert-deftest typescript-tslint-report-regexp-matches ()
-  "typescript-tslint-report-regexp matches a line that does not
-have a rule name or a severity."
-  (let* ((to-match
-          "src/modules/authenticator.ts[1, 83]: ' should be \"")
-         (match (string-match typescript-tslint-report-regexp
-                              to-match))
-         (matches (and match (get-all-matched-strings to-match))))
-    (should match)
-    (should (not (nth 1 matches)))
-    (should (not (nth 2 matches)))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 3 matches)
-                          "src/modules/authenticator.ts"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 4 matches) "1"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 5 matches) "83"))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-tslint-report-regexp-matches-with-name ()
-  "typescript-tslint-report-regexp matches a line that has
-a rule name, no severity."
-  (let* ((to-match
-          "(quotemark) src/modules/authenticator.ts[1, 83]: ' should be \"")
-         (match (string-match typescript-tslint-report-regexp
-                              to-match))
-         (matches (and match (get-all-matched-strings to-match))))
-    (should match)
-    (should (not (nth 1 matches)))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 2 matches) "(quotemark) "))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 3 matches)
-                          "src/modules/authenticator.ts"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 4 matches) "1"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 5 matches) "83"))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-tslint-report-regexp-matches-with-error ()
-  "typescript-tslint-report-regexp matches a line that has
-a severity set to ERROR, no rule name."
-  (let* ((to-match
-          "ERROR: src/modules/authenticator.ts[1, 83]: ' should be \"")
-         (match (string-match typescript-tslint-report-regexp
-                              to-match))
-         (matches (and match (get-all-matched-strings to-match))))
-    (should match)
-    (should (not (nth 1 matches)))
-    (should (not (nth 2 matches)))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 3 matches)
-                          "src/modules/authenticator.ts"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 4 matches) "1"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 5 matches) "83"))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-tslint-report-regexp-matches-with-warning ()
-  "typescript-tslint-report-regexp matches a line that has
-a severity set to WARNING, no rule name."
-  (let* ((to-match
-          "WARNING: src/modules/authenticator.ts[1, 83]: ' should be \"")
-         (match (string-match typescript-tslint-report-regexp
-                              to-match))
-         (matches (and match (get-all-matched-strings to-match))))
-    (should match)
-    (should (string-equal (nth 1 matches) "WARNING"))
-    (should (not (nth 2 matches)))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 3 matches)
-                          "src/modules/authenticator.ts"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 4 matches) "1"))
-    (should (string-equal (nth 5 matches) "83"))))
-(ert-deftest typescript--number-literal-re-matches-numbers ()
-  "`typescript--number-literal-re' matches numbers."
-  (dolist (to-match '("NaN" "Infinity" "-Infinity" "-1" "1" "0.1" ".1" "-.1" 
-                      "9E-2" ".1e23" "0b1" "-0B1" "0o7" "-0O13" "0xaf" 
-    (should (string-match typescript--number-literal-re to-match))
-    ;; The regular expression does not begin with ^ and end with $ so
-    ;; we need to check ourselves that the whole string is matched.
-    (should (string-equal (match-string 0 to-match) to-match))))
-(ert-deftest typescript--number-literal-re-does-not-match-non-numbers ()
-  "`typescript--number-literal-re' does not match non-numbers."
-  (dolist (to-match '("NaNa" "Inf" "1." "." "0xPQ" "e" "2.3e2.4"))
-    ;; For the same reason as for the positive test above, what we want is 
either no match
-    ;; or a match that fails to match the whole string.
-    (should-not (and (string-match typescript--number-literal-re to-match)
-                     (string-equal (match-string 0 to-match) to-match)))))
-(ert-deftest correctly-indents-lines-with-wide-chars ()
-  "Otsuka Ai and other multi-char users should be a happy to write typescript."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (ignore-errors (typescript-mode))
-    (insert "let x = '大塚愛'")
-    (let ((pos1 (current-column)))
-      (typescript-indent-line)
-      (let ((pos2 (current-column)))
-        (should (= pos1 pos2))))))
-(ert-deftest correctly-indents-lines-with-tabs ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (ignore-errors (typescript-mode))
-    (insert "class Example {")
-    (newline-and-indent)
-    (insert "constructor() {")
-    (newline-and-indent)
-    (insert "const a = new Promise")
-    (should (= 29 (current-column)))
-    (typescript-indent-line)
-    (should (= 29 (current-column)))
-    ;; verify tab was used
-    (move-beginning-of-line nil)
-    (should (= 0 (current-column)))
-    (forward-char 1)
-    (should (= 8 (current-column)))))
-(ert-deftest indentation-does-not-hang-on-multiline-string ()
-  "Testcase for https://github.com/ananthakumaran/typescript.el/issues/20";
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (typescript-mode)
-    (insert "let multiLineString = \"line 1")
-    (newline-and-indent)
-    (insert "// and so we continue")
-    (newline-and-indent)
-    ;; completing and not locking up is test-success!
-    ))
-(defun test-re-search (searchee contents offset)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (typescript-mode)
-    (insert contents)
-    (goto-char (- (point-max) offset))
-    (should (= 5 (typescript--re-search-backward-inner searchee nil 1)))))
-(ert-deftest re-search-backwards-skips-single-line-strings ()
-  (test-re-search "token" "let token = \"token in string-thing\";" 2))
-(ert-deftest re-search-backwards-skips-multi-line-strings ()
-  (test-re-search "token" "let token = \"token in\n multi-line token 
string\";" 2))
-(ert-deftest re-search-backwards-skips-single-line-comments ()
-  (test-re-search "token" "let token; // token in comment" 0))
-(ert-deftest re-search-backwards-skips-multi-line-comments ()
-  (test-re-search "token" "let token; /* token in \nmulti-line token comment" 
-(setq font-lock-contents
- " * @param {Something} bar A parameter. References [[moo]] and [[foo]].
- * @param second May hold ``x`` or ``y``.")
-(ert-deftest font-lock/documentation-in-documentation-comments ()
-  "Documentation in documentation comments should be fontified as
-  (font-lock-test
-   (concat "/**\n" font-lock-contents "\n*/")
-   '((1 . font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)
-     (5 . font-lock-comment-face)
-     ("@param" . typescript-jsdoc-tag)
-     ("{Something}" . typescript-jsdoc-type)
-     ("bar" . typescript-jsdoc-value)
-     ("\\[\\[moo\\]\\]" . typescript-jsdoc-value)
-     ("\\[\\[foo\\]\\]" . typescript-jsdoc-value)
-     ("``x``" . typescript-jsdoc-value)
-     ("``y``" . typescript-jsdoc-value))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/no-documentation-in-non-documentation-comments ()
-  "Documentation tags that are not in documentation comments
-should not be fontified as documentation."
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   (concat "/*\n" font-lock-contents "\n*/\n")
-   (let ((loc 3))
-     ;; Make sure we start with the right face.
-     (should (eq (get-face-at loc) font-lock-comment-face))
-     (should (eq (text-property-not-all loc (point-max) 'face 
-                 (1- (point-max)))))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/no-documentation-in-strings ()
-  "Documentation tags that are not in strings should not be
-fontified as documentation."
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   (concat "const x = \"/**" font-lock-contents "*/\";")
-   (let ((loc (search-forward "\"")))
-     ;; Make sure we start with the right face.
-     (should (eq (get-face-at loc) font-lock-string-face))
-     ;; Make sure the face does not change later.
-     (should (eq (text-property-not-all loc (point-max) 'face 
-                 (1- (point-max)))))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/immediate-doc ()
-  "Tests that it is not necessary to have the documentation tag on a
-new line after the start of '/**'."
-  (font-lock-test
-   ;; We have 4 comments here because we need to cover the multiple
-   ;; regexes that deal with the different types of jsdoc tags.
-   "/** @type {foo} */\n
-/** @alias bar */\n
-/** @author me */\n
-/** @param meow */"
-   '((1 . font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)
-     ("@type" . typescript-jsdoc-tag)
-     ("{foo}" . typescript-jsdoc-type)
-     ("@alias" . typescript-jsdoc-tag)
-     ("bar" . typescript-jsdoc-value)
-     ("@author" . typescript-jsdoc-tag)
-     ("me" . font-lock-comment-face)
-     ("@param" . typescript-jsdoc-tag)
-     ("meow" . typescript-jsdoc-value))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/function-definition-prefixes ()
-  "Tests that function names are highlighted in definitions, even
-when prefixed with module modifiers."
-  (font-lock-test
-   "function basicDefn(x0: xty0, y0: yty0): ret0 {}\n
-export function exportedDefn(x1: xty1, y1: yty1): ret1 {}\n
-export default function exportedDefaultDefn(x2: xty2, y2: yty2): ret2 {}\n
-declare function declareFunctionDefn(x3: xty3, y3: yty3): ret3;"
-    '(("basicDefn" . font-lock-function-name-face)
-      ("exportedDefn" . font-lock-function-name-face)
-      ("exportedDefaultDefn" . font-lock-function-name-face)
-      ("declareFunctionDefn" . font-lock-function-name-face)
-      (("x0" "x1" "x2" "x3") . font-lock-variable-name-face)
-      (("y0" "y1" "y2" "y3") . font-lock-variable-name-face)
-      (("ret0" "ret1" "ret2" "ret3") . nil))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/regexp ()
-  "Regular expresssions should be fontified as string constant."
-  (let ((content "=/foo/ (/bar/ ,/baz/ :/buzz/"))
-    (font-lock-test content
-                    '(("=" . nil) ("/foo/" . font-lock-string-face)
-                      ("(" . nil) ("/bar/" . font-lock-string-face)
-                      ("," . nil) ("/baz/" . font-lock-string-face)
-                      (":" . nil) ("/buzz/" . font-lock-string-face))))
-  ;; Make sure that escaped forward slashes are handled too.
-  (font-lock-test "var a = /flip\\/flop/;"
-                  '(("=" . nil)
-                    (("/flip" "\\\\" "/" "flop/") . font-lock-string-face)
-                    (";" . nil)))
-  ;; Make sure a forward slash in a character class is handled fine.
-  ;; It must not terminate the regular expression.
-  (font-lock-test "var a = /[/]/;"
-                  '(("=" . nil)
-                    (("/" "\\[/" "\\]/") . font-lock-string-face)
-                    (";" . nil)))
-  ;; Make sure an open bracket in a character class does not
-  ;; throw off fontification.
-  (font-lock-test "var a = /[[]/;"
-                  '(("=" . nil)
-                    (("/" "\\[\\[\\]" "/") . font-lock-string-face)
-                    (";" . nil)))
-  ;; A sequence of two forward slashes is never a regex, so there is
-  ;; no such thing as an \"empty regex\" when we use the forward slash
-  ;; notation.
-  (font-lock-test "=//g something // comment"
-                  '(("g something" . font-lock-comment-face))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/yield ()
-  "`yield' and `yield*' should be fontified as keywords."
-  (font-lock-test
-   "function* gen(x0: xty0, y0: yty0): ret0 {
-    yield 123;
-    yield* subIter;
-   '(("yield 123" . font-lock-keyword-face)
-     ("yield\\*" . font-lock-keyword-face)
-     ("\\* subIter" . font-lock-keyword-face))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/yielder ()
-  "`yielder' should not be fontified as a keyword."
-  (font-lock-test
-   "function* gen(x0: xty0, y0: yty0): ret0 {
-    const yielder = 123;
-    yield abc;
-    return yielder;
-   '(("yielder =" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
-     ("yielder;" . nil))))
font-lock/text-after-trailing-regexp-delim-should-not-be-fontified ()
-  "Text after trailing regular expression delimiter should not be fontified."
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   "=/foo/g something // comment"
-   (should (eq (get-face-at "g something") nil)))
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   "=/foo\\bar/g something // comment"
-   (should (eq (get-face-at "g something") nil)))
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   "=/foo\\\\bar/g something // comment"
-   (should (eq (get-face-at "g something") nil)))
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-   "=/foo\\\\/g something // comment"
-   (should (eq (get-face-at "g something") nil))))
-(ert-deftest font-lock/type-names ()
-  "Type names should be highlighted in definitions."
-  ;; Typical case.
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-      "export class Foo extends Bar implements Qux {}"
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Foo") 'font-lock-type-face))
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Bar") 'font-lock-type-face))
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Qux") 'font-lock-type-face)))
-  ;; Ensure we require symbol boundaries.
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-      "Notclass Foo"
-    (should (not (eq (get-face-at "Foo") 'font-lock-type-face))))
-  ;; Other common ways of defining types.
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-      "interface Thing {}"
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Thing") 'font-lock-type-face)))
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-      "enum Thing {}"
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Thing") 'font-lock-type-face)))
-  (test-with-fontified-buffer
-      "type Thing = number;"
-    (should (eq (get-face-at "Thing") 'font-lock-type-face))))
-(defun flyspell-predicate-test (search-for)
-  "This function runs a test on
-`typescript--flyspell-mode-predicate'.  `SEARCH-FOR' is a string
-to search for in the current buffer before running
-`typescript--flyspell-mode-predicate'.  This test checks that the
-point has not moved.  It returns the value of returned by the
-invocation of `typescript--flyspell-mode-predicate'."
-  (search-forward search-for)
-  (let ((point-before (point)))
-    (prog1
-        (typescript--flyspell-mode-predicate)
-      ;; We should not have moved.
-      (should (eq (point) point-before)))
-  ))
-(ert-deftest flyspell-mode-predicate-skips-what-it-should ()
-  "Check that the custom flyspell predicate filters strings in
-import... from...."
-  (let (flyspell-generic-progmode-verify)
-    (fset 'flyspell-generic-progmode-verify (lambda () t))
-    ;; In the following searches we search for the starting quote of the 
-    ;; to avoid hitting keywords. Moreover, the end position of the search is 
-    ;; Flyspell puts point at the end of the word before calling the 
predicate. We must
-    ;; replicate that behavior here.
-    (test-with-fontified-buffer
-     "import 'a';\nimport { x } from 'b';\nconst foo = 'c';import { x }\nfrom 
-     (should (not (flyspell-predicate-test "'a")))
-     (should (not (flyspell-predicate-test "'b")))
-     (should (flyspell-predicate-test "'c"))
-     (should (not (flyspell-predicate-test "'d"))))
-    (test-with-fontified-buffer
-     ;; This is valid TypeScript.
-     "const from = 'a';"
-     (should (flyspell-predicate-test "'a")))
-    (test-with-fontified-buffer
-     ;; TypeScript does not allow a function named "import" but object
-     ;; members may be named "import". So this *can* be valid
-     ;; TypeScript.
-     "x.import('a');"
-     (should (flyspell-predicate-test "'a")))))
-(ert-deftest typescript--move-to-end-of-plain-string ()
-  "Unit tests for `typescript--move-to-end-of-plain-string'."
-  (cl-flet
-      ((should-fail ()
-                    (let ((point-before (point)))
-                      (should (not (typescript--move-to-end-of-plain-string)))
-                      (should (eq (point) point-before))))
-       (should-not-fail (expected)
-                        (let ((result 
-                          (should (eq result expected))
-                          (should (eq (point) expected)))))
-    ;;
-    ;; The tests below are structured as follows. For each case:
-    ;;
-    ;; 1. Move point to a new location in the buffer.
-    ;;
-    ;; 2. Check whether typescript--move-to-end-of-plain-string returns the 
value we expected
-    ;;    and changes (point) when successful.
-    ;;
-    ;; Cases often start with a check right away: (point) equal to
-    ;; (point-min) for those cases.
-    ;;
-    (dolist (delimiter '("'" "\""))
-      (test-with-temp-buffer
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'not terminated")
-       (should-fail)
-       (re-search-forward delimiter)
-       (should-fail))
-      (test-with-temp-buffer
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'terminated'")
-       (should-fail)
-       ;; This checks that the function works when invoked on the start 
delimiter of
-       ;; a terminated string.
-       (re-search-forward delimiter)
-       (should-not-fail (1- (point-max)))
-       (goto-char (point-min))
-       (re-search-forward "term")
-       (should-not-fail (1- (point-max)))
-       ;; This checks that the function works when invoked on the end 
delimiter of
-       ;; a terminated string.
-       (goto-char (1- (point-max)))
-       (should-not-fail (1- (point-max))))
-      (test-with-temp-buffer
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'terminated aaa';\n
-const b = 'not terminated bbb")
-       (should-fail)
-       (re-search-forward "term")
-       (should-not-fail (save-excursion (re-search-forward "aaa")))
-       (re-search-forward "const b")
-       (should-fail)
-       (re-search-forward "not terminated")
-       (should-fail))
-      ;; Case with escaped delimiter.
-      (test-with-temp-buffer
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'terminat\\'ed 
- const b = 'not terminated bbb")
-       (re-search-forward "term")
-       (should-not-fail (save-excursion (re-search-forward "aaa"))))
-      ;; Delimiters in comments.
-      (test-with-temp-buffer
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'terminated aaa';\n
-// Comment 'or'\n
-const b = 'not terminated bbb")
-       (re-search-forward "term")
-       (should-not-fail (save-excursion (re-search-forward "aaa")))
-       (re-search-forward "Comment ")
-       (should-fail)
-       (forward-char)
-       (should-fail)
-       (re-search-forward "or")
-       (should-fail)))
-    ;; Ignores template strings.
-    (test-with-temp-buffer
-     "const a = `terminated aaa`"
-     (re-search-forward "term")
-     (should-fail))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-convert-to-template ()
-  "Unit tests for `typescript-convert-to-template'."
-  (cl-flet
-      ((should-do-nothing (str regexp)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (re-search-forward regexp)
-                     (typescript-convert-to-template)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc) str))))
-       (should-modify (str delimiter regexp)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (re-search-forward regexp)
-                     (typescript-convert-to-template)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc)
-                                           (replace-regexp-in-string delimiter 
"`" str))))))
-    (dolist (delimiter '("'" "\""))
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 'not 
-        (dolist (move-to '("const" "not"))
-          (should-do-nothing str move-to)))
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 
-        (should-do-nothing str "const")
-        (should-modify str delimiter delimiter)
-        (should-modify str delimiter "term")
-        (should-modify str delimiter "terminated"))
-      ;; Delimiters in comments.
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 
'terminated aaa';\n
-// Comment 'or'\n
-const b = 'not terminated bbb")))
-        (should-do-nothing str "Comment ")))
-    ;; Ignores template strings.
-    (let ((str "const a = `terminated aaa`"))
-      (should-do-nothing str "terminated"))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-autoconvert-to-template ()
-  "Unit tests for `typescript-autoconvert-to-template'."
-  (cl-flet
-      ((should-do-nothing (str regexp)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (re-search-forward regexp)
-                     (typescript-autoconvert-to-template)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc) str))))
-       (should-modify (str delimiter regexp)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (re-search-forward regexp)
-                     (typescript-autoconvert-to-template)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc)
-                                           (replace-regexp-in-string delimiter 
"`" str))))))
-    (dolist (delimiter '("'" "\""))
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 
-        (should-do-nothing str "= ")
-        (should-do-nothing str "terminated"))
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = 
-        (should-do-nothing str "= ")
-        (should-modify str delimiter (concat "foo}" delimiter))))))
-(ert-deftest typescript-autoconvert-to-template-is-invoked ()
-  "Test that we call `typescript-autoconvert-to-template' as needed."
-  (cl-flet
-      ((should-do-nothing (str delimiter)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (goto-char (point-max))
-                     (execute-kbd-macro delimiter)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc) (concat 
str delimiter)))))
-       (should-modify (str delimiter)
-                    (test-with-temp-buffer
-                     str
-                     (goto-char (point-max))
-                     (execute-kbd-macro delimiter)
-                     (should (string-equal (typescript-test-get-doc)
-                                           (replace-regexp-in-string delimiter 
"`" (concat str delimiter)))))))
-    (dolist (delimiter '("'" "\""))
-      (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string "'" delimiter "const a = '${foo}")))
-        (should-do-nothing str delimiter)
-        (let ((typescript-autoconvert-to-template-flag t))
-          (should-modify str delimiter))))))
-;; compilation-mode tests
-(ert-deftest recognizes-tsc-errors ()
-  (dolist (test-case
-           `(("test.ts(2,7): error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 
-              ,typescript-tsc-error-regexp
-              "test.ts")
-             ("test.ts:2:7 - error TS2322: Type '2' is not assignable to type 
-              ,typescript-tsc-pretty-error-regexp
-              "test.ts")
-             ))
-    (let* ((text (car test-case))
-           (regexp    (cadr test-case))
-           (matched-file-name (cl-caddr test-case))
-           (times     1))
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (insert text)
-        (goto-char (point-min))
-        (re-search-forward regexp)
-        (should
-         (equal matched-file-name (match-string 1)))))))
+(require 'typescript-mode-general-tests)
 (provide 'typescript-mode-tests)

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