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[nongnu] elpa/annotate 9cdc2a90fb 350/372: - added prompt to confirm del

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/annotate 9cdc2a90fb 350/372: - added prompt to confirm deletion also when deleting annotation's text;
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 16:59:21 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/annotate
commit 9cdc2a90fbcad5904a900957b8cf9bd2868f6cb2
Author: cage <cage@localhost>
Commit: cage <cage@invalid>

    - added prompt to confirm deletion also when deleting annotation's text;
    - updated README.org.
 README.org  | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 annotate.el | 23 ++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index eabe5b8ec6..0d3cfea760 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ is active, ~C-c C-a~ will create, edit, or delete annotations.
 With an  active region, ~C-c  C-a~ creates  a new annotation  for that
 region. With no active region, ~C-c C-a~ will create an annotation for
 the word  under point. If point  is on an annotated  region, ~C-c C-a~
-will edit that annotation instead of  creating a new one. Clearing the
-annotation deletes them.
+will edit that  annotation instead of creating a new  one. Typing ~C-c
+C-d~ or clearing the annotation deletes them.
 Use ~C-c ]~ to jump to the next  annotation and ~C-c [~ to jump to the
 previous annotation.
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ can take advantage of its packages generated files 
     will edit that annotation instead of  creating a new one. Clearing the
     annotation deletes them.
+    If ~annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion~ is non nil (the default)
+    a confirmation action is asked  to the user before actually remove
+    the annotation.
     If point  is the newline  character and the  customizable variable
     ~annotate-endline-annotate-whole-line~ is not  nil (default is non
     nil)  the whole  line is  annotated (or  the next  if the  line is
@@ -87,14 +91,25 @@ can take advantage of its packages generated files 
     will signal an error.
 **** related customizable variable
-     - ~annotate-endline-annotate-whole-line~
-     - ~annotate-highlight~;
-     - ~annotate-highlight-secondary~;
-     - ~annotate-annotation~;
-     - ~annotate-annotation-secondary~;
      - ~annotate-annotation-column~;
+     - ~annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion~;
      - ~annotate-annotation-max-size-not-place-new-line~;
-     - ~annotate-annotation-position-policy~.
+     - ~annotate-annotation-position-policy~;
+     - ~annotate-annotation-secondary~;
+     - ~annotate-annotation~;
+     - ~annotate-endline-annotate-whole-line~;
+     - ~annotate-highlight-secondary~;
+     - ~annotate-highlight~.
+*** ~C-c C-d~
+    Delete an annotation under point, if such annotation exists.
+    If ~annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion~ is non nil (the default)
+    a confirmation action is asked  to the user before actually remove
+    the annotation.
+**** related customizable variable
+     - ~annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion~.
 *** ~C-c ]~ (function annotate-goto-next-annotation)
     Jump to the next  annotation.
diff --git a/annotate.el b/annotate.el
index 038e7bc198..b9de71e708 100644
--- a/annotate.el
+++ b/annotate.el
@@ -2084,22 +2084,29 @@ from a chain where `annotation' belong."
 (defun annotate--delete-annotation-chain-prevent-modification (annotation)
 "Delete an annotation chain backing up and restoring modification
-status of the buffer before deltion occured."
+status of the buffer before deletion occured.
+This function is not part of the public API."
   (annotate-ensure-annotation (annotation)
      (annotate--delete-annotation-chain annotation))))
+(defun annotate--confirm-annotation-delete ()
+  "Prompt user for delete confirmation.
+This function is not part of the public API."
+  (let ((confirm-message "Delete this annotation? [y/N] "))
+    (or (not annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion)
+        (string= (read-from-minibuffer (format confirm-message
+                                               annotate-file))
+                 "y"))))
 (cl-defun annotate-delete-annotation (&optional (point (point)))
   "Command  to  delete  an  annotation,  `point'  is  the  buffer
 position  where  to  look  for  annotation  (default  the  cursor
   (when-let ((annotation (annotate-annotation-at point)))
-    (let* ((confirm-message    "Delete this annotation? [y/N] ")
-           (delete-confirmed-p (or (not annotate-annotation-confirm-deletion)
-                                   (string= (read-from-minibuffer (format 
-                                            "y"))))
+    (let* ((delete-confirmed-p (annotate--confirm-annotation-delete)))
       (when delete-confirmed-p
         (annotate--delete-annotation-prevent-modification annotation)))))
@@ -2119,7 +2126,9 @@ point)."
          ((null annotation-text))
          ;; annotation was erased:
          ((string= "" annotation-text)
-          (annotate--delete-annotation-prevent-modification highlight))
+          (let* ((delete-confirmed-p (annotate--confirm-annotation-delete)))
+            (when delete-confirmed-p
+              (annotate--delete-annotation-prevent-modification highlight))))
          ;; annotation was changed:
           (change highlight)))))))

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