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[nongnu] elpa/annotate 5b69043454 152/372: - added variable 'annotate-an

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/annotate 5b69043454 152/372: - added variable 'annotate-annotation-position-policy'
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 16:58:42 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/annotate
commit 5b690434546fdc54a1f814cd8a43aae3a53d2534
Author: cage <cage-invalid@invalid>
Commit: cage <cage-invalid@invalid>

    - added variable 'annotate-annotation-position-policy'
      this  customizable variable  is used  to decide  where to  place the
      annotations:  on  a new  line,  on  the  right  margin or  based  on
      annotation length;
    - added new line (\n) in the last annotation where needed).
 annotate.el | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/annotate.el b/annotate.el
index 20d249d0cb..4e18e548b5 100644
--- a/annotate.el
+++ b/annotate.el
@@ -144,7 +144,19 @@ database is not filtered at all."
  "The maximum `string-width` allowed for an annotation to be
  placed on the right margin of the window instead of its own line
  after the annotated text."
-  :type 'number
+  :type  'number
+  :group 'annotate)
+(defcustom annotate-annotation-position-policy :by-length
+  "policy for annotation's position:
+  - :newline
+    always in a new-line
+  - :margin
+     always on right margin
+  - :by-length
+    decide by text's length
+  :type  'symbol
   :group 'annotate)
 (defconst annotate-warn-file-changed-control-string
@@ -802,19 +814,31 @@ to 'maximum-width'."
                  (annotation-long-p   (> (string-width (overlay-get ov 
-                 (splitted-annotation (if annotation-long-p
+                 (position            annotate-annotation-position-policy)
+                 (position-new-line-p (cl-case position
+                                        (:new-line
+                                         t)
+                                        (:by-length
+                                         annotation-long-p)
+                                        (otherwise
+                                         nil)))
+                 (splitted-annotation (if position-new-line-p
                                           (list (overlay-get ov 'annotation))
-                                          (split-string (annotate-lineate 
(overlay-get ov 'annotation)
+                                          (split-string (annotate-lineate 
(overlay-get ov
eol bol))
-                 (annotation-stopper  (if annotation-long-p
-                                          ""
+                 (annotation-stopper  (if position-new-line-p
+                                          (if (= annotation-counter
+                                                 (length overlays))
+                                              "\n"
+                                            "")
             (cl-incf annotation-counter)
             (overlay-put ov 'face face-highlight)
-            (when annotation-long-p
+            (when position-new-line-p
               (setf prefix-first " \n"))
             (dolist (l splitted-annotation)
               (setq text
@@ -823,7 +847,7 @@ to 'maximum-width'."
                             (propertize l 'face face)
               ;; white space before for all but the first annotation line
-              (if annotation-long-p
+              (if position-new-line-p
                   (setq prefix-first (concat prefix-first prefix-rest))
                 (setq prefix-first prefix-rest)))))
         ;; build facespec with the annotation text as display property

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