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[nongnu] elpa/nix-mode e645310c88 458/500: Introduce `nix-store-show-pat

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/nix-mode e645310c88 458/500: Introduce `nix-store-show-path` command
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 08:27:56 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/nix-mode
commit e645310c889ceeaeace6127dadcac10fd97a7fc0
Author: Daniel Nagy <danielnagy@posteo.de>
Commit: Daniel Nagy <danielnagy@posteo.de>

    Introduce `nix-store-show-path` command
    This command defines a new major-mode `nix-store-path-mode` which
    displays these from a store path:
     - Derivers
     - References
     - Referrers
     - Requisites
     - Outputs
    It also shows the Hash, Size and realisation status of the store path.
 README.md    |  10 ++++
 flake.nix    |   1 +
 nix-mode.el  |   2 +-
 nix-store.el | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 nix.el       |   5 ++
 5 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7f3bd74a7a..94935dc12d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -72,6 +72,16 @@ open this with:
 M-x nix-repl<RET>
+### nix-store.el
+This file provides a command `M-x nix-store-show-path`. The command displays an
+overview of a store path. The information it shows is the realisation status,
+the hash and the size of the store path. Also it shows lists of derivers,
+references, referrers and requisites of the respective path.
+You can change the order in which that information is show. See the
+documentation of the function `nix-store-show-path` for more information.
 ### nix-prettify-mode.el
 When nix-prettify-mode is enabled, hash-parts of the Nix store file names are
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index b09a2e1413..638ebaebf7 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+          magit-section
       in stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
         pname = "nix-mode";
diff --git a/nix-mode.el b/nix-mode.el
index 7eede182d1..ff060679c8 100644
--- a/nix-mode.el
+++ b/nix-mode.el
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; Homepage: https://github.com/NixOS/nix-mode
 ;; Version: 1.4.4
 ;; Keywords: nix, languages, tools, unix
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (f "0.20.0"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (f "0.20.0") magit-section)
 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
diff --git a/nix-store.el b/nix-store.el
index b5bf922334..3e772d799e 100644
--- a/nix-store.el
+++ b/nix-store.el
@@ -11,16 +11,201 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'eieio)
 (require 'nix)
+(require 'magit-section)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defgroup nix-store nil
+  "Nix-store customizations."
+  :group 'nix)
 (defun nix-store-realise (path)
   "Realise a path asynchronously.
 PATH the path within /nix/store to realise"
-   :buffer nil
-   :command (list nix-store-executable "--realise" path)
-   :noquery t
-   :name (format "*nix-store*<%s>" path)))
+    :buffer nil
+    :command (list nix-store-executable "--realise" path)
+    :noquery t
+    :name (format "*nix-store*<%s>" path)))
+(defvar-local nix-buffer-store-path nil "Buffer-local object holding an 
`nix-store-path` object.")
+(defclass nix-store-path ()
+  ((path      :initarg :path                       :accessor 
+    (status   :initarg :status :initform 'realised :accessor 
+    (hash     :initarg :hash                       :accessor 
+    (size     :initarg :size                       :accessor 
+    (derivers :initarg :derivers                   :accessor 
+    (outputs  :initarg :outputs                    :accessor 
+    (references :initarg :references               :accessor 
+    (referrers  :initarg :referrers                :accessor 
+    (requisites :initarg :requisites               :accessor 
+  "Nix-Store-Path Class holds all information of the path that
+is displayed")
+(cl-defmethod nix-store-fill-data ((object nix-store-path))
+  "Query the nix store store via `nix-store-executable' and save that data 
into OBJECT."
+  (oset object :size (nix-store--query 'size (nix-store-path-path object)))
+  (oset object :hash (nix-store--query 'hash (nix-store-path-path object)))
+  (oset object :derivers (nix-store--query 'deriver (nix-store-path-path 
+  (oset object :outputs (nix-store--query 'outputs (nix-store-path-path 
+  (oset object :referrers (nix-store--query 'referrers (nix-store-path-path 
+  (oset object :requisites (nix-store--query 'requisites (nix-store-path-path 
+  (oset object :references (nix-store--query 'references (nix-store-path-path 
+  object)
+(cl-defun nix-store--query (argument &optional (path (nix-store-path-path 
+  "Query the nix-store for information.
+ARGUMENT is given to the executable as an argument. See
+nix-store(1) for possibilities. PATH is the store object that is
+being queried. Runs `nix-store-executable' to get that
+  (let ((nix-executable nix-store-executable))
+    (cond
+      ((eq 'deriver argument)
+       ;; Special treatment for 'derivers', we want to treat a single entry
+       ;; with this string as an empty list
+       (remove "unknown-deriver"
+         (nix--process-lines "--query" "--deriver" path )))
+      ((eq 'size argument) (string-to-number (nix--process-string "--query" 
"--size" path )))
+      ((eq 'hash argument) (nix--process-string "--query" "--hash" path ))
+      ((eq 'requisites argument) (nix--process-lines "--query" "--requisites" 
path ))
+      ((eq 'references argument) (nix--process-lines "--query" "--references" 
path ))
+      ((eq 'referrers argument) (nix--process-lines "--query" "--referrers" 
path ))
+      ((eq 'outputs argument)
+       (ignore-errors
+         ;; This can fail for non-derivation paths
+         (nix--process-lines "--query" "--outputs" path )))
+      (t (error "Unknown argument to nix-store --query: %s" argument)))))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-path (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert a section showing the path of STORE-PATH."
+  (magit-insert-section (path (nix-store-path-path store-path))
+    (magit-insert-heading (propertize (format "%-11s" "Path:") 'face 
+      (format "%s" (oref store-path path)))))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-size (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert a section showing the size of STORE-PATH."
+  (magit-insert-section (size (nix-store-path-size store-path))
+    (magit-insert-heading (propertize (format "%-11s" "Size:") 'face 
+      (format "%s" (oref store-path size)))))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-hash (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert a section showing the hash of STORE-PATH."
+  (magit-insert-section (hash (nix-store-path-hash store-path))
+    (magit-insert-heading (propertize (format "%-11s" "Hash:") 'face 
+      (format "%s" (oref store-path hash)))))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-status (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert a section showing the status of STORE-PATH."
+  (magit-insert-section (status (nix-store-path-status store-path))
+    (magit-insert-heading (propertize (format "%-11s" "Status:") 'face 
+      (format "%s" (oref store-path status)))))
+(defmacro nix-store--magit-insert-section-list (type value label)
+  "Helper macro for inserting a list as a magit-section.
+TYPE and VALUE will be used as the type and value of the section
+respectively. The LABEL is the text displayed."
+  `(let ((value ,value))
+     (when (and (listp value) (> (length value) 0))
+       (magit-insert-section (,type value)
+        (magit-insert-heading ,label)
+        (cl-loop for x in value do (magit-insert-section (store-path x) 
(insert x) (newline)))
+        (insert ?\n)
+        (magit-insert-child-count (magit-current-section))))))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-derivers (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert sections showing all derivers of STORE-PATH."
+  (nix-store--magit-insert-section-list derivers (nix-store-path-derivers 
store-path) "Derivers:"))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-outputs (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert sections showing all outputs of STORE-PATH."
+  (nix-store--magit-insert-section-list outputs (nix-store-path-outputs 
store-path) "Outputs:"))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-references (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert sections showing all references of STORE-PATH."
+  (nix-store--magit-insert-section-list references (nix-store-path-references 
store-path) "References:"))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-referrers (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert sections showing all referrers of STORE-PATH."
+  (nix-store--magit-insert-section-list referrers (nix-store-path-referrers 
store-path) "Referrers:"))
+(cl-defun nix-store-path-insert-requisites (&optional (store-path 
+  "Insert sections showing all requisites of STORE-PATH."
+  (nix-store--magit-insert-section-list requisites (nix-store-path-requisites 
store-path) "Requisites:"))
+(defcustom nix-store-path-headers-hook
+  '(nix-store-path-insert-path
+     nix-store-path-insert-status
+     nix-store-path-insert-hash
+     nix-store-path-insert-size)
+  "Hook run to insert headers into the nix-store buffer.
+A list of function that each take one argument, the store path object."
+  :group 'nix-store
+  :type 'hook
+  :options '(nix-store-path-insert-path
+             nix-store-path-insert-status
+             nix-store-path-insert-hash
+             nix-store-path-insert-size))
+(defcustom nix-store-path-sections-hook
+  '(nix-store-path-insert-derivers
+     nix-store-path-insert-outputs
+     nix-store-path-insert-references
+     nix-store-path-insert-referrers
+     nix-store-path-insert-requisites)
+  "Hook run to insert sections into a nix-store buffer.
+A list of function that each take one argument, the store path object."
+  :group 'nix-store
+  :type 'hook)
+(defun nix-store-show-path (path)
+  "Show a nix-store PATH.
+If you want to change the order of the section lists (or even
+implement your own ones) you can customize the variable
+`nix-store-path-headers-hook' and
+  (interactive "FNix-Store-Path: ")
+  (setq path (expand-file-name path default-directory))
+  (switch-to-buffer (format "Nix Store Path: %s" path))
+  (nix-store-path-mode)
+  (setq nix-buffer-store-path (nix-store-fill-data (make-instance 
'nix-store-path :path path))
+    list-buffers-directory path)
+  (when (file-directory-p path)
+    (setq default-directory path))
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (magit-insert-section (store-path)
+      (magit-insert-headers 'nix-store-path-headers-hook)
+      (magit-run-section-hook 'nix-store-path-sections-hook))
+    (setf (point) (point-min))))
+(defun nix-store-path-at-point ()
+  "Return the nix-store path at point."
+  ;; TODO extract this via magit-section values
+  (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'filename)))
+(defun nix-store-show-path-at-point ()
+  "Opens the nix-store-path at point.
+It uses \\[nix-store-show-path] to display the store path."
+  (interactive)
+  (nix-store-show-path (nix-store-path-at-point)))
+(defvar nix-store-path-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'nix-store-show-path-at-point)
+    map))
+(defun nix-store--revert-buffer-function (&rest _ignore)
+  "Helper function to be called by `revert-buffer'."
+  (nix-store-show-path (nix-store-path-path nix-buffer-store-path)))
+(define-derived-mode nix-store-path-mode magit-section-mode "Nix Store Path"
+  (setq-local revert-buffer-function #'nix-store--revert-buffer-function)
+  (read-only-mode 1))
 (provide 'nix-store)
 ;;; nix-store.el ends here
diff --git a/nix.el b/nix.el
index 29cfe66dd2..3919a3670d 100644
--- a/nix.el
+++ b/nix.el
@@ -346,6 +346,11 @@ OPTIONS a list of options to accept."
     (apply #'nix--process-string args)))
+(defun nix--process-lines (&rest args)
+  (seq-filter (lambda (el) (not (string= "" el)))
+    (split-string
+      (apply #'nix--process-string args) "\n")))
 (defun nix--process-json-nocheck (&rest args)
   ;; No checking of exitcode is possible here until
   ;; https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2474 is resolved

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