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[nongnu] elpa/nix-mode 504285ce39 138/500: Remove nix-buffer

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/nix-mode 504285ce39 138/500: Remove nix-buffer
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 08:26:53 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/nix-mode
commit 504285ce3967288cb83d977d154eac69d8818e4f
Author: Matthew Bauer <mjbauer95@gmail.com>
Commit: Matthew Bauer <mjbauer95@gmail.com>

    Remove nix-buffer
    - too hard to keep up to date, and @shlevy’s done a good job of keeping it 
 README.md     |   5 ++
 nix-buffer.el | 227 ----------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8d74398276..23326eb4aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,3 +2,8 @@
 An emacs major mode for editing nix expressions.
 This repository is based off of the nix-mode.el file in the [Nix 
repository](https://github.com/nixos/nix) at 
+## Other Nix Modes
+@shlevy has an excellent major mode for integrating nix-shell into emacs. It 
is available at [shlevy/nix-buffer](https://github.com/shlevy/nix-buffer). 
diff --git a/nix-buffer.el b/nix-buffer.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 539009427c..0000000000
--- a/nix-buffer.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-;;; nix-buffer.el --- Set up buffer environments with nix
-;; Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Shea Levy
-;; Author: Shea Levy
-;; URL: https://github.com/shlevy/nix-buffer/tree/master/
-;; Version: 3.0.0
-;; Package-Requires: ((f "0.17.3") (emacs "24.4"))
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This package provides 'nix-buffer', to modify your buffer
-;; according to a directory-local nix expression.  Think of it as
-;; nix-shell for Emacs.  See the documentation for 'nix-buffer' for
-;; more details.
-;; It may be desirable to run 'nix-buffer' before 'normal-mode' is
-;; called so it affects all modes.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'f)
-(require 'subr-x)
-(defgroup nix-buffer nil "Customization for nix-buffer."
-  :prefix "nix-buffer-"
-  :group 'environment
-  :package-version '('nix-buffer . "2.3.0"))
-(defun nix-buffer--directory-name-setter (opt val)
-  "Defcustom setter for nix-buffer-directory-name.
-OPT The option we're setting.
-VAL The value it's being set to."
-  (nix-buffer-update-directory-name val))
-(defcustom nix-buffer-directory-name
-  (locate-user-emacs-file "nix-buffer")
-  "Path where nix-buffer keeps its data.
-To update this variable outside of Customize, please use
-  :group 'nix-buffer
-  :type '(directory)
-  :set 'nix-buffer--directory-name-setter
-  :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
-  :risky t)
-(defvar nix-buffer--trust-exprs-file
-  (f-join nix-buffer-directory-name "trusted-exprs"))
-(defun nix-buffer--load-trusted-exprs ()
-  "Load the trusted nix-buffer exprs."
-  (let ((tbl (ignore-errors
-               (with-temp-buffer
-                 (insert-file-contents-literally
-                  nix-buffer--trust-exprs-file)
-                 (read (current-buffer))))))
-    (if (hash-table-p tbl)
-        tbl
-      (make-hash-table :test 'equal))))
-(defvar nix-buffer--trusted-exprs (nix-buffer--load-trusted-exprs))
-(defun nix-buffer-update-directory-name (path)
-  "Update the nix-buffer state directory.
-PATH The path to store the nix-buffer state."
-  (setq nix-buffer-directory-name path)
-  (setq nix-buffer--trust-exprs-file
-        (f-join nix-buffer-directory-name "trusted-exprs"))
-  (setq nix-buffer--trusted-exprs (nix-buffer--load-trusted-exprs)))
-(defun nix-buffer-unload-function ()
-  "Save state on unload."
-  (ignore-errors (make-directory nix-buffer-directory-name t))
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (prin1 nix-buffer--trusted-exprs (current-buffer))
-    (write-region nil nil nix-buffer--trust-exprs-file))
-  nil)
-(defun nix-buffer--unique-filename (path)
-  "Create a unix-safe filename from an entire path.
-PATH the path to generate the name from."
-  (replace-regexp-in-string "[|\\/]"
-                            (lambda (str)
-                              (if (equal str "/")
-                                  "|"
-                                (concat "\\\\" str)))
-                            path))
-(defun nix-buffer--query-safety (expr-file lisp-file)
-  "Ask the user whether to trust a Lisp file.
-EXPR-FILE The nix expression leading to this file.
-LISP-FILE The file in question."
-  (let ((res (yes-or-no-p (concat expr-file
-                                  " resulted in unknown Lisp file "
-                                  lisp-file
-                                  "; trust it? "))))
-    (puthash lisp-file res nix-buffer--trusted-exprs)
-    res))
-(defvar nix-buffer-after-load-hook nil
-  "Hook run after nix-buffer loads an expression.")
-(defun nix-buffer--load-result (expr-file out)
-  "Load the result of a nix-buffer build, checking for safety.
-EXPR-FILE The nix expression being built.
-OUT The build result."
-  (when (or (gethash out nix-buffer--trusted-exprs)
-            (nix-buffer--query-safety expr-file out))
-    (load-file out)
-    (run-hooks 'nix-buffer-after-load-hook)))
-(defun nix-buffer--sentinel
-    (out-link last-out expr-file user-buf err-buf process event)
-  "Handle the results of the nix build.
-OUT-LINK The path to the output symlink.
-LAST-OUT The previous build result, if any.
-EXPR-FILE The nix expression being built.
-USER-BUF The buffer to apply the results to.
-ERR-BUF The standard error buffer of the nix-build
-PROCESS The process whose status changed.
-EVENT The process status change event string."
-  (unless (process-live-p process)
-    (let ((out-buf (process-buffer process)))
-      (progn
-        (if (= (process-exit-status process) 0)
-            (let ((cur-out (with-current-buffer out-buf
-                             (string-trim-right (buffer-string)))))
-              (if (string= "" cur-out)
-                  (ignore-errors (delete-file out-link))
-                (unless (string= last-out cur-out)
-                  (with-current-buffer user-buf
-                    (nix-buffer--load-result expr-file cur-out)))))
-          (with-current-buffer
-              (get-buffer-create "*nix-buffer errors*")
-            (insert "nix-build for nix-buffer for "
-                    (buffer-name user-buf)
-                    " "
-                    (string-trim-right event)
-                    " with error output: \n")
-            (insert-buffer-substring err-buf)
-            (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
-        (kill-buffer out-buf)
-        (kill-buffer err-buf)))))
-(defun nix-buffer--nix-build (root expr-file)
-  "Start the nix build.
-ROOT The path we started from.
-EXPR-FILE The file containing the nix expression to build."
-  (let* ((state-dir (f-join nix-buffer-directory-name
-                            (nix-buffer--unique-filename root)))
-         (out-link (f-join state-dir "result"))
-         (current-out (file-symlink-p out-link))
-         (err (generate-new-buffer " nix-buffer-nix-build-stderr")))
-    (progn
-      (ignore-errors (make-directory state-dir t))
-      (make-process
-       :name "nix-buffer-nix-build"
-       :buffer (generate-new-buffer " nix-buffer-nix-build-stdout")
-       :command (list
-                 "nix-build"
-                 "--arg" "root" root
-                 "--out-link" out-link
-                 expr-file
-                 )
-       :noquery t
-       :sentinel (apply-partially 'nix-buffer--sentinel
-                                  out-link
-                                  current-out
-                                  expr-file
-                                  (current-buffer)
-                                  err)
-       :stderr err)
-      (when current-out
-        (nix-buffer--load-result expr-file current-out)))))
-(defun nix-buffer ()
-  "Set up the buffer according to the directory-local nix expression.
-Looks for dir-locals.nix upward from the current directory.  If found,
-asynchronously builds the derivation defined there with the 'root' arg
-set to the current buffer file name or directory and evaluates the
-resulting elisp if safe to do so.  'nix-buffer-after-load-hook' can be
-used to detect when the elisp load occurs.
-If we have previously built dir-locals.nix for the current file or
-directory, the elisp corresponding to the last build is evaluated
-synchronously and the new elisp is evaluated when the build completes,
-unless the newly-built file is identical.  As such, the elisp
-generated by dir-locals.nix should be written with multiple
-evaluations in mind.
-Because in practice dir-locals.nix will always want to do things that
-are unsafe in dir-locals.el (e.g. append to 'exec-path'), we don't
-reuse that mechanism and instead just load the file as elisp.  Because
-this allows arbitrary code execution, the first time we're asked to
-load a particular store path we query the user to verify if it's safe
-to load beforehand.
-The Lisp code generated by dir-locals.nix should limit itself to
-modifying buffer-local variables, but there is no actual enforcement
-of this.  'setq-local' is your friend.
-If dir-locals.nix does not evaluate to any derivations (e.g. it
-evaluates to {}), then nothing is loaded and the cached result, if any,
-is removed."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((root (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory))
-         (expr-dir (locate-dominating-file root "dir-locals.nix")))
-    (when expr-dir
-      (let ((expr-file (f-expand "dir-locals.nix" expr-dir)))
-        (nix-buffer--nix-build root expr-file)))))
-(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'nix-buffer-unload-function)
-(provide 'nix-buffer)
-;;; nix-buffer.el ends here

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