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[elpa] externals/org-remark 13f36d7241 020/173: internal: Fix the macro

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org-remark 13f36d7241 020/173: internal: Fix the macro expansion
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:57:55 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/org-remark
commit 13f36d72419cc0b645c7177dc2e61ffd70397f32
Author: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
Commit: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>

    internal: Fix the macro expansion
    All the reader-macro syntax to construct lists has been replaced with normal
    syntax. As far as I can see, `seq-find` seems to be the only major macro 
    relies on functions within this package.
    The backtick syntax to construct a list has been replaced with `list` and
    `cons` functions. So no need for the "reader macro" like `(,id ,beg ,end)`.
 org-marginalia.el | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org-marginalia.el b/org-marginalia.el
index 40ef66a4d9..9fa0b3a0bf 100644
--- a/org-marginalia.el
+++ b/org-marginalia.el
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;; Author: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
 ;; URL: https://github.com/nobiot/org-marginalia
 ;; Version: 0.0.2
-;; Last modified: 2020-12-23T093128
+;; Last modified: 2020-12-23T105737
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (org "9.4"))
 ;; Keywords: org-mode, annotation, writing, note-taking, margin-notes
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ directory. Ensure that it is an Org file."
   "Keep track of all the highlights.
 It is a local variable. On save-buffer, kill-buffer, or
 kill-emacs, the marker will be persisted in the filesystem.
-Each highlight is also a list of this type:
-   (id (beg-marker . end-marker))
+Each highlight is also an alist of this type:
+   (id beg-marker . end-marker)
 The text inside the markers can change, too.")
 (defvar om/last-notes-buffer nil
@@ -179,103 +179,6 @@ It is meant to exist only one of these in each Emacs 
 (defconst om/prop-source-beg "marginalia-source-beg")
 (defconst om/prop-source-end "marginalia-source-end")
-;;;; Functions
-;;;;; Private
-;; `om/make-highlight-marker' and other private utility functions; however,
-;; macro expansion (?) in `om/mark' and others do not seem to understand that
-;; they are declared in this file. `declare-function' didn't seem to work.
-;; Until I figure out how to work with it, I will put this function here.
-(defun om/save-single-highlight (highlight title source-path)
-  "Save a single HIGHLIGHT in the marginalia file with properties.
-The marginalia file is specified by SOURCE-PATH. If headline with
-the same ID already exists, update it based on the new highlight
-position and highlighted text as TITLE. If it is a new highlight,
-creat a new headline at the end of the buffer."
-  (let* ((pos (cdr highlight))
-         (beg (marker-position (car pos)))
-         (end (marker-position (cdr pos)))
-         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
-    ;; TODO Want to add a check if save is applicable here.
-    (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect om/notes-file-path)
-      (org-with-wide-buffer
-       (let ((file-headline (org-find-property om/prop-source-file 
-             (id-headline (org-find-property om/prop-id (car highlight))))
-         (unless file-headline
-           ;; If file-headline does not exist, create one at the bottom
-           (goto-char (point-max))
-           ;; Ensure to be in the beginning of line to add a new headline
-           (when (eolp) (open-line 1) (forward-line 1) (beginning-of-line))
-           (insert (concat "* " title "\n"))
-           (org-set-property om/prop-source-file source-path))
-         (cond (id-headline
-                (goto-char id-headline)
-                ;; Update the existing headline and position properties
-                (org-edit-headline text)
-                (org-set-property om/prop-source-beg (number-to-string beg))
-                (org-set-property om/prop-source-end (number-to-string end)))
-               (t ;; No headline with the ID property. Create one
-                (when-let ((p (org-find-property om/prop-source-file 
-                  (goto-char p))
-                (org-narrow-to-subtree)
-                (goto-char (point-max))
-                ;; Ensure to be in the beginning of line to add a new headline
-                (when (eolp) (open-line 1) (forward-line 1) 
-                ;; Create a headline
-                ;; Add a properties
-                (insert (concat "** " text "\n"))
-                (org-set-property om/prop-id (car highlight))
-                (org-set-property om/prop-source-beg (number-to-string beg))
-                (org-set-property om/prop-source-end (number-to-string end))
-                (insert (concat "[[file:" source-path "]" "[" title "]]"))))))
-      (when (buffer-modified-p) (save-buffer)))))
-(defun om/make-highlight-marker (point)
-  "Return marker of the insertion-type t for POINT.
-The insertion-type is important in order for the highlight
-position (beg and end points) in sync with the highlighted text
-  (let ((marker (set-marker (make-marker) point)))
-    (set-marker-insertion-type marker t)
-    marker))
-(defun om/list-highlights-positions (&optional reverse)
-  "Return list of beg points of highlights in this buffer.
-By default, the list is in ascending order.
-If none, return nil.
-If REVERSE is non-nil, return list in the descending order."
-  (when om/highlights
-    (let ((list (mapcar (lambda (h)
-              (marker-position (car (cdr h))))
-                        om/highlights)))
-      (if reverse (reverse list) list))))
-(defun om/sort-highlights-list ()
-  "Utility function to sort `om/sort-highlights'."
-  (when om/highlights
-    (setq om/highlights (seq-sort-by (lambda (s) (car (cdr s))) #'< 
-(defun om/find-next-highlight ()
-  "Return the beg point of the next highlight.
-Look through `om/highlights' list."
-  (when-let ((points (om/list-highlights-positions)))
-      ;; Find the first occurance of p > (point). If none, this means all the
-      ;; points occur before the current point. Take the first one. Assume
-      ;; `om/highlights' is sorted in the ascending order (it is).
-    (seq-find (lambda (p) (> p (point))) points (nth 0 points))))
-(defun om/find-prev-highlight ()
-  "Return the beg point of the previous highlight.
-Look through `om/highlights' list (in descending order)."
-  (when-let ((points (om/list-highlights-positions 'reverse)))
-      ;; Find the first occurance of p < (point). If none, this means all the
-      ;; points occur before the current point. Take the first one. Assume
-      ;; `om/highlights' is sorted in the descending order .
-    (seq-find (lambda (p) (< p (point))) points (nth 0 points))))
 ;;;; Commands
@@ -331,14 +234,14 @@ and `om/prev'."
   (when (not id) (setq id (substring (org-id-uuid) 0 8)))
   ;; Add highlight to the text
   (add-text-properties beg end '(font-lock-face om/highlighter))
-  (add-text-properties beg end `(om/id ,id))
+  (add-text-properties beg end (list 'om/id id))
   ;; Keep track in a local variable It's alist; don't forget the dot
   ;;   (beg . end)
   ;; The dot "." is imporant to make the car/cdr "getter" interface clean.
   ;; Also, `set-marker-insertion-type' to set the type t is necessary to move
   ;; the cursor in sync with the font-lock-face property of the text property.
-  (push `(,id
-          ,(om/make-highlight-marker beg) . ,(om/make-highlight-marker end))
+  (push (cons id
+          (cons (om/make-highlight-marker beg) (om/make-highlight-marker end)))
@@ -421,7 +324,7 @@ Load is automatically done when you activate the minor 
                (when-let ((id (car (org--property-local-values "marginalia-id" 
                           (beg (string-to-number (car 
(org--property-local-values "marginalia-source-beg" nil))))
                           (end (string-to-number (car 
(org--property-local-values "marginalia-source-end" nil)))))
-                 (push `(,id ,beg . ,end) highlights)))))))
+                 (push (cons id (cons beg end)) highlights)))))))
       ;; Back to the current buffer
       ;; Look highilights and add highlights to the current buffer
       (dolist (highlight highlights)
@@ -452,12 +355,6 @@ marginalia, but will keep the headline and notes."
          (org-delete-property om/prop-source-beg)
          (org-delete-property om/prop-source-end))))))
-;; WIP
-(defun om/toggle-display ()
-  "WIP: Toggle showing/hiding of highlights in current bufer.")
-(seq-find (lambda (p) (> p (point))) (om/list-highlights-positions) (nth 0 
(om/list-highlights-positions) ))
 (defun om/next ()
   "Look at the current point, and move to the next highlight, if any.
 If there is none below the point, but there is a highlight in the
@@ -473,6 +370,108 @@ buffer, go back to the last one."
   (if (not om/highlights) (message "No highlights present in this buffer.")
     (goto-char (om/find-prev-highlight))))
+;; WIP
+(defun om/toggle-display ()
+  "WIP: Toggle showing/hiding of highlights in current bufer.")
+;;;; Functions
+;;;;; Private
+;; `om/make-highlight-marker' and other private utility functions; however,
+;; macro expansion (?) in `om/mark' and others do not seem to understand that
+;; they are declared in this file. `declare-function' didn't seem to work.
+;; Until I figure out how to work with it, I will put this function here.
+(defun om/save-single-highlight (highlight title source-path)
+  "Save a single HIGHLIGHT in the marginalia file with properties.
+The marginalia file is specified by SOURCE-PATH. If headline with
+the same ID already exists, update it based on the new highlight
+position and highlighted text as TITLE. If it is a new highlight,
+creat a new headline at the end of the buffer."
+  (let* ((pos (cdr highlight))
+         (beg (marker-position (car pos)))
+         (end (marker-position (cdr pos)))
+         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
+    ;; TODO Want to add a check if save is applicable here.
+    (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect om/notes-file-path)
+      (org-with-wide-buffer
+       (let ((file-headline (org-find-property om/prop-source-file 
+             (id-headline (org-find-property om/prop-id (car highlight))))
+         (unless file-headline
+           ;; If file-headline does not exist, create one at the bottom
+           (goto-char (point-max))
+           ;; Ensure to be in the beginning of line to add a new headline
+           (when (eolp) (open-line 1) (forward-line 1) (beginning-of-line))
+           (insert (concat "* " title "\n"))
+           (org-set-property om/prop-source-file source-path))
+         (cond (id-headline
+                (goto-char id-headline)
+                ;; Update the existing headline and position properties
+                (org-edit-headline text)
+                (org-set-property om/prop-source-beg (number-to-string beg))
+                (org-set-property om/prop-source-end (number-to-string end)))
+               (t ;; No headline with the ID property. Create one
+                (when-let ((p (org-find-property om/prop-source-file 
+                  (goto-char p))
+                (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+                (goto-char (point-max))
+                ;; Ensure to be in the beginning of line to add a new headline
+                (when (eolp) (open-line 1) (forward-line 1) 
+                ;; Create a headline
+                ;; Add a properties
+                (insert (concat "** " text "\n"))
+                (org-set-property om/prop-id (car highlight))
+                (org-set-property om/prop-source-beg (number-to-string beg))
+                (org-set-property om/prop-source-end (number-to-string end))
+                (insert (concat "[[file:" source-path "]" "[" title "]]"))))))
+      (when (buffer-modified-p) (save-buffer)))))
+(defun om/make-highlight-marker (point)
+  "Return marker of the insertion-type t for POINT.
+The insertion-type is important in order for the highlight
+position (beg and end points) in sync with the highlighted text
+  (let ((marker (set-marker (make-marker) point)))
+    (set-marker-insertion-type marker t)
+    marker))
+(defun om/list-highlights-positions (&optional reverse)
+  "Return list of beg points of highlights in this buffer.
+By default, the list is in ascending order.
+If none, return nil.
+If REVERSE is non-nil, return list in the descending order."
+  (when om/highlights
+    (let ((list (mapcar (lambda (h)
+              (marker-position (car (cdr h))))
+                        om/highlights)))
+      (if reverse (reverse list) list))))
+(defun om/sort-highlights-list ()
+  "Utility function to sort `om/sort-highlights'."
+  (when om/highlights
+    (setq om/highlights (seq-sort-by (lambda (s) (car (cdr s))) #'< 
+(defun om/find-next-highlight ()
+  "Return the beg point of the next highlight.
+Look through `om/highlights' list."
+  (when-let ((points (om/list-highlights-positions)))
+      ;; Find the first occurance of p > (point). If none, this means all the
+      ;; points occur before the current point. Take the first one. Assume
+      ;; `om/highlights' is sorted in the ascending order (it is).
+    (seq-find (lambda (p) (> p (point))) points (nth 0 points))))
+(defun om/find-prev-highlight ()
+  "Return the beg point of the previous highlight.
+Look through `om/highlights' list (in descending order)."
+  (when-let ((points (om/list-highlights-positions 'reverse)))
+      ;; Find the first occurance of p < (point). If none, this means all the
+      ;; points occur before the current point. Take the first one. Assume
+      ;; `om/highlights' is sorted in the descending order .
+    (seq-find (lambda (p) (< p (point))) points (nth 0 points))))
 ;;;; Footer
 (provide 'org-marginalia)

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